Take 5 minutes to study before we begin our test! Warm Up: Take 5 minutes to study before we begin our test!
Agenda: Revolutionary War Test Work on Title Page
How to use documents in your answer. Decide on your position: patriot or loyalist? Read through documents: which documents support your position? Decide how to use the documents in your answer. Example (patriot): “Look at Paul Revere’s engraving of the Boston Massacre. The redcoats fired into a crowd of unarmed, innocent civilians. This is murder! How can we allow this to continue? You must support the patriot cause and stop this tyranny!” Example (loyalist): “Look at the painting of the Boston Massacre by Alanzo Chapple. It clearly shows the patriots taunting British soldiers. They are not innocent victims. The redcoats fired into the crowd because they were being harassed by these colonial troublemakers!”
Test taking procedure: Work by yourself QUIETLY at your desk When you are finished with Part I, bring it to the turn in chair Take out your notebook for part II When you are finished with part II, bring it to the turn in chair Read the board for directions **Stay quiet until everyone is finished!! **
If you need ideas, look on pages 107-120 of the purple book! Title Page (Page 76!) Create a title page for our next unit. A title page is like the cover of a book—it should show the reader what the book will be about and spark their interest in the topic. Create a title page about the FOUNDING FATHERS, CONSTITUTION, AND NEW NATION. Draw pictures, symbols, etc. to demonstrate what YOU know about the new nation. Take your time, be thorough, detailed, and creative. Include: A Title Pictures/symbols/designs to show what YOU know about the new nation (anything!) If you need ideas, look on pages 107-120 of the purple book!