Learning Objectives Lesson Objectives: To gain an understanding into evaluating skills, through evaluation of a 20 minute make task.
Learning Outcomes Use new skills to evaluate a food product. Use new skills to apply designing and making skills to the production of a food product. Use new skills to understand the design & technology subject area of food.
What equipment do you need to collect Write a step-by-step plan of how you will safely produce your chosen idea. What equipment do you need to collect What ingredients will you require How will you make your sandwich safely? Plan for chosen idea:
to successfully make your product working to the best of your ability. You have 20 minutes to successfully make your product working to the best of your ability.
Self Assessment
You have 30 minutes to successfully complete an evaluation of your product working to the best of your ability.
Peer Assessment Write in here the NC grade they received for that piece of work. This is the target grade that is displayed on the flight path. 1 = Excellent effort 2 = Good effort 3 = Satisfactory effort 4 = Needs to improve Attainment: Effort: Target: Assessment: Self/Peer/Teacher Circle the relevant form of assessment. Using “capital letters” and “full stops” write in full sentence format.
Two positive praise and one constructive criticism 2 PP’s and 1 CC Two positive praise and one constructive criticism POSITIVE PRAISE CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM Your work is…… I feel that this piece of work is….. My opinion is that your work is… You need to develop………. You need to be more accurate with….. You need to be clearer about… To improve you need to………….. You need to have another look at……. You could expand more upon… You could reconsider………….. The way you have completed this work is … Thorough Accurate Detailed Bold Clear Concise Expressive Realistic
Learning Outcomes Use new skills to evaluate a food product. Use new skills to apply designing and making skills to the production of a food product. Use new skills to understand the design & technology subject area of food.
Effective Participator? Who have you been today? Teamworker? Independent Enquirer? Self Manager? Effective Participator? Creative Thinker? Reflective Learner? Plenary