Contacts: Denmark: Anders Anders Bøgebjerg Hansen, Finland: Josefine Nordling, Italy: Simone Ravaioli, Norway: Agnethe Sidselrud, Sweden: Pamela Henriksson, Contact details for generic queries: Mats Lindstedt, Website: ERASMUS+ EMREX Field trial on the impact of enabling easy mobility on recognition of external studies Full partners:
About EMREX Objectives EMREX is the solution for electronic transfer of student records between higher education institutions, HEIs in Europe The main benefits of EMREX will be the increased certainty in availability- and lawfulness, quality and reliability of information about academic records for students The project addresses the Bologna Process 2020 target that 20% of students within the European Higher Education Area should be mobile A field trial will be set up for use in January/February 2016 and will be ongoing throughout the year. All HEIs interested in joining the field trial are highly welcomed The complete service will be available for all HEIs during 2017 EMREX is an application that facilitates credit transfer between universities. This solution provides a way to decrease manual tasks for administrators, students and teachers. There will be a diminished risk for faulty certificates and overlapping studies. Reliability of the information will significantly improve. The benefits speak for themselves. The EMREX project is not aiming at developing a new system. This solution utilizes the existing infrastructure. After implementation of the solution, students themselves initiate the electronic transfer of their student achievements. This means that courses encompassing credits, grades, etc. are digitally transferred into the local system. The progress and success of EMREX relies on its users. HEIs in the target countries are able to test benefits of the solution in a field trial. By taking part in the field trial, HEIs are able to e.g. attract students and promote internationalization. We encourage you to contact your local EMREX representative should you be interested in the field trial or the benefits of the EMREX solution.