New Song - progress to date & future plans M J Amos
Fisheries in the Pacific Fisheries is not just big - it is huge for the region Effort, interest and pressure on the oceanic and coastal fisheries resources is increasing
Where to for the future of coastal fisheries? A new approach is urgently needed to deal with decline in coastal fisheries resources
New Song for Coastal Fisheries – pathways to change A new song’ represents a regional approach for community based coastal fisheries management
A new song for coastal fisheries An agreed-upon set of actions needed from member governments and other stakeholders to provide substantial support for this community-driven approach The active involvement from members mean the regional strategy reflects their development priorities.
A new song for coastal fisheries Calls for an enhanced focus on coastal fisheries management Designed to provide direction, encourage cooperation and effective use of regional and other support services At the regional level, it brings together disconnected initiatives into a strong, coordinated approach At national and sub-national levels, it seeks political recognition of the value of coastal fisheries.
A new song for coastal fisheries Coastal Fisheries Resources Sub-national Local NGOs Regional Sub-regional Local communities National Regional NGOs To be successful, ‘new song’ initiatives will require a coordinated and integrated approach by all stakeholders
New song - progress Endorsed by both the FFC Officials meeting in May 2015 and the FFC Ministerial in July 2015. Promoted at high levels and is linked to the Regional Roadmap for Sustainable Pacific Fisheries. In 2016, the leaders tasked SPC to coordinate with national fisheries agencies, CROP agencies, and regional and national community groups, to strengthen support and resourcing for coastal fisheries management.
New song – Progress. Report to FFCMIN and PIF Leaders FPIF R/Map “New Song” - Coastal Fisheries (SPC) Oceanic Fisheries (FFA) Coastal Fisheries Report Card Off shore Tuna Fisheries Report Card FFCMIN PIF Leaders
New Song – Progress 2015 and 2016 Coastal Fisheries Report Cards – as part of the Future of Fisheries Roadmap Update Fisheries in the Economies of the pacific Island countries and territories report or the “Benefish” report – (funded by DFAT) Fish and nutritional security within the Pacific food system - Building resilience and strengthening climate change adaptation for fishers and farmers in the Pacific Region” - (funded by the International Agricultural Research Centre (CGIAR) and The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA)). Improving fisheries food security and sustainable livelihoods for Pacific Island communities Project – (funded by NZ MFAT); Sustainable Pacific Aquaculture Development Project – (funded by NZ MFAT); and EDF11 PEUMP Project - (aiming for August 2017 for the project approval by the EU)
New Song – future plans GCF Project concepts – Adapting the ‘Regional Roadmap for Sustainable Pacific Fisheries’ and the ‘New Song’ to climate change – SPC/CI Coastal Resilience – SPC/SPREP/IUCN Establishment of a regional coastal fisheries working group to implement the PIF leaders decision on coastal fisheries – WP8 Enabling Government - Empowering Communities - National Implementation of the New Song (WP2). The paper suggests potential pathway to strengthening national capacity to support and empower communities to sustainably manage their coastal fisheries to provide a solid foundation for development aspirations and resilience .
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