Lesson 7: Epic Appointment Scheduling Advanced Appointments Sequential
Epic Advanced Appointments Sequential Appointment: A sequential appointment is a series of appointments for the same patient. Sequential appointments can contain any number of different appointments, visit types, and providers. The appointment times can touch, but they don’t have to. There can be a time gap between appointments. 8am 5pm 2pm
Epic Advanced Appointments Sequential Appointment: If a second visit type is added, the screen will not display the name of the initial provider. The make appointment screen will display the provider of whichever visit type is highlighted. Once a second appointment (or more) is entered, Epic will automatically check the “Auto Search” checkbox. This enables Epic to select the best possible times for each appointment based on each provider’s schedule. Click the Search button to continue.
Epic Advanced Appointments Sequential Appointment: When Epic displays the automatic appointment selection, multiple options are available. If the displayed appointment date and times are acceptable to the parent, you can click on the Schedule button at the bottom of the screen to complete this appointment scheduling process. Type in the reason for the appointment in the “Appointment Notes” field.
Epic Advanced Appointments Sequential Appointment: The Account Selection and Appointment Review screens will appear. Note how the appointments are displayed. Each appointment is listed as an individual appointment slot with the selected provider for each appointment. Follow the normal scheduling pathway to complete this process. 8am 5pm 2pm
Epic Advanced Appointments Sequential Appointment Options: If the appointments selected by Epic do not meet the parents need for an appointment time, click the Next button to search for the next available appointment time for each of these appointments.
Epic Advanced Appointments Sequential Appointment Options: You can continue to click on “Next” to look up additional time slots. If you check the box “Multiple Solutions” you the view will appear as this:
Epic Advanced Appointments Sequential Appointment Options: If the parent wants to select an earlier offered date/time, click on the Previous button. As long as the previous appointment is still available, Epic will go backwards to locate it.
Epic Advanced Appointments Sequential Appointment Options: If you decide not to let Epic choose the appointments for you, you can also make the sequential appointment manually by selecting the “Manual” button.
Epic Advanced Appointments Sequential Appointment Options: The provider’s schedule will appear. One will be open (yellow background) and the other provider’s schedule closed (gray background). Select the appointment time for the open provider, and enter the appointment notes for that appointment. Then click on the name of the next provider (down in the lower pale yellow area). This will open up the second schedule to allow for scheduling.
Epic Advanced Appointments Sequential Appointment Options: Once all appointments are selected and noted, follow normal scheduling pathways to complete the appointment.
Epic Advanced Appointments Sequential Appointments On the patient’s appointment desk, the appointments will appear with an “S” at the beginning of the appointment slot to indicate that this is a “Sequential” appointment.