The Hichhiker
“I always stop for hitchhikers “I always stop for hitchhikers. I knew just how it used to feel to be standing on the side of a country watching cars go by.”
“He was a small Ratty faced man with grey teeth “He was a small Ratty faced man with grey teeth. His eyes were dark and quick and clever like a rat’s eyes, and his ears were slightly pointed at the top.”
“what makes you think I’m any good at my job. ” I asked “what makes you think I’m any good at my job?” I asked. There’s an awful lot of bad writers around “you wouldn’t be driven a car like this if you were no good at it.”
“What can she do flat out “What can she do flat out?” he asked “one hundred and twenty-nine miles an hour” I told him. “I’ll bet she won’t do it” “I bet she will.”
“I gave him my drivers license he unbutton the left breast pocket of his tunic and brought out the dreaded book of tickets.” “Carefully he copied down the name and address of my license. I knew we were in big trouble.”
“You want to know what makes me able to role cigarettes that fast” he asked “go on then” “it’s because I’ve got fantastic fingers”
Suddenly, my passenger was holding up a black leather belt in his hand Suddenly, my passenger was holding up a black leather belt in his hand. “ever seen this before?” the buckle had an unusual design. “hey!” I said, “that’s mine!” “Where’d you get it?” “well off the top of your trousers of course.”
“I’ve never known a copper with such a good memory “I’ve never known a copper with such a good memory.” “what’s memory got to do with it” “it’s written down in his book isn’t it” “yes guvnor it is but he’s lost it he’s lost both books, the one with my name in it and the one with yours" “I say we make a little bon fire and burn these books.