Male Organ Rejuvenation Treatments: Do They Really Work?


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Presentation transcript:

Male Organ Rejuvenation Treatments: Do They Really Work?

Studies show that over 50 percent of men have an instance of member dysfunction in their lifetime. Over 20 percent of men suffer from Peyronie’s disease, which causes a painful curve in the member. More than 30 percent of men are unhappy with the size of their member. If only there was a way to help these men regain sensitivity, vigor, and confidence in their member. Well, there is! If a man has 20 minutes and some cash to burn, he can get the latest male organ rejuvenation treatment, the P-Shot.

Defining Male Organ Rejuvenation Male organ rejuvenation is a medical treatment for men. It has been shown to improve issues such as Member Dysfunction (MD) and Peyronie’s disease. It is a non-surgical procedure that is commonly referred to as the P-Shot. This treatment is very different from male organ implants, which are a completely different thing.

The Men Male Organ Rejuvenation Can Benefit Men who may want to consider the treatment from a medical standpoint would be those with MD and Peyronie’s disease. Men who have had prostate cancer or have enlarged prostates may also want to have the treatment. This is not just a medical treatment and can be used for other benefits such as stronger firmness, increased length and girth, or greater male organ sensitivity.

The P-Shot The P-Shot is the catchy term for the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) Treatment. This treatment uses the patient’s own platelet-rich plasma to revive the member by encouraging new tissue growth, which in turn has been said to create bigger, stronger, more sensitive and more frequent firmness. The entire treatment takes less than 20 minutes with no down- time. It’s a pretty simple process. First, the patient is given a local numbing anesthetic, though most men report no pain when having the process and only felt minimal pressure during the procedure. First, the doctor or nurse draws blood from the patient’s arm. That blood is then moved to a centrifuge where the PRP is detached from the blood. This next part can be a little hard for men to read, so be warned. The PRP is injected into the member in exact locations with a few needles. And that’s it. The member is rejuvenated!

The Recovery and Post-treatment Protocol After the process is over, treatment is pretty easy. Patients can drive home or back to work and go about business as usual. After the shot, patients will need to use a digital member pump twice each day for 10 minutes for a month to experience the full effects of the shot. Another bonus? Men can have intimate relations or self-pleasure right after the shot – there’s really no down-time at all for this treatment!

The Benefits In addition to giving men with male organ dysfunction a new option for treatment, the P-Shot also has been shown to: Induce shorter refractory periods Lead to lengthier, more extreme releases Increase male organ sensation Increase the length and girth of the member Increase duration of hardness Provide a nice upsurge in confidence Provide an intensification of stamina and gratification Increase success with male enhancement medications

Now, not all men experience all these results or even one of them. There are men who’ve seen no difference in any of these things after the treatment. Men who are interested in the treatment should be sure to trust their willy with trained physicians with the education and experience to perform this treatment. Another thing that can rejuvenate the member is a specially formulated member health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). These crèmes boast member health essentials such as vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, as well as arginine, a vasodilator that encourages strong blood flow to the member. Using a crème like this once or more per day can definitely rejuvenate the member (without the needles!).Man 1 Man Oil