Dissemination and Communication Introductory course


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Presentation transcript:


Dissemination/Communication Policy Our example!

FOR DISCUSSION 3 points of the dissemination/communication policy to be discussed: Dealing with errors pre-release access reactions to misuse of statistics by the media National experiences on dissemination policy

Dissemination Policy Pre-release access (discussion issue) Mission statement All users must be treated equally, and any privileged pre-release access to official statistics should be duly publicised. Data dissemination schedule previosouly announced @ ine.pt Some cases are prior access to data. It is subject to embargo and the info about is public. Decisions of release data under embargo are responsibility of the Board. Prior access, under embargo, to official statistical data is granted (at around 9 am of the release day) to the Directors of Madeira and Azores Regional Statistics Offices, when data allow for NUTS 2 breakdown. The mission of Statistics Portugal is to produce and disseminate, in an effective, efficient and independent manner, high-quality official statistics relevant for the whole society.

Dissemination Policy Revisions Policy Dealing with errors (discussion issue) Dissemination Policy Mission statement Errors when detected are recognised and documentd, and the respective corrections/revsions are dully, rapidly and clearly disseminated to users. The mission of Statistics Portugal is to produce and disseminate, in an effective, efficient and independent manner, high-quality official statistics relevant for the whole society. Important: Revisions errors Revisions Policy Revisions result from a reassessment of the past values of statistical variables. In general terms, revisions are mainly due to new data on the past could not be incorpored in time of their previous release.

Revisions Policy Dealing with errors (discussion issue) Revisions result from a reassessment of the past values of statistical variables. In general terms, revisions are mainly due to new data on the past could not be incorpored in time of their previous release. + other reasons: Conceptual changes Improvement of algorithms Change in statistical data sources (eg: survey data replaced by administrative data) Inclusion od additional observations (eg: seasonally and/or calendar adjusted variables) Errors in the computation of the given statistics

Dissemination Policy Revisions Policy Documents and more information in: http://bit.ly/2bM5cXu