Initial analysis of the transcriptional effects in eight carbon storage mutants (1 to 8; ΔphbA, phbB::ΩSpSm, ΔphbAB, ΔphbC, ΔphaZ, ΔbdhA, acsA2::Tn5, glgA1ΔPstI) compared to the parental strain (Rm1021) under nitrogen-limited (dark blue) and balanced (light blue) conditions. Initial analysis of the transcriptional effects in eight carbon storage mutants (1 to 8; ΔphbA, phbB::ΩSpSm, ΔphbAB, ΔphbC, ΔphaZ, ΔbdhA, acsA2::Tn5, glgA1ΔPstI) compared to the parental strain (Rm1021) under nitrogen-limited (dark blue) and balanced (light blue) conditions. (A) Numbers of genes differentially expressed (increased or decreased in abundance) from strains 1 to 8 left to right. (B) Overlap of different transcripts in each mutant between the two conditions. (C) Frequency of transcripts over a log2-fold change binned distribution of a greater-than-log2-fold change of 1 or a less-than-log2-fold change of −1. Maya D’Alessio et al. mSystems 2017; doi:10.1128/mSystems.00035-17