DEVINCI INGENERIE Proprietary © 2005 DEVINCI INGENIERIE ATOS V1.2 Click on your mouse to continue
DEVINCI INGENERIE Proprietary © 2005 DEVINCI INGENIERIE WHAT IS AERONAUTICAL STRESS ANALYSIS ? The Stress & Design Office European Standard Joint Aviation Airworthiness Standard JAR 25 Or American Standard Federal Aviation Requirement Standard FAR 25 to prove by the calculation that the aircraft can sustains all the loading conditions that it will meet during its life THE AIRCRAFT CONSTRUCTOR THE AIRWORTHINESS AUTHORITIES Airworthiness Certification Documents (list of the critical M.S.) Issue the Airworthiness Certificate Click on your mouse to continue
DEVINCI INGENERIE Proprietary © 2005 DEVINCI INGENIERIE The positioning of ATOS in the automatic sizing process of an aeronautical structure Integrated Interface DESIGN (Geometry) Modular philosophy ensuring the autonomy of the process stages GLOBAL FEM RESULTS (Stresses, Forces, Flows …) Definition of new design Update Automatic generation of Stress Report (Results + Methods) Click on your mouse to continue
DEVINCI INGENERIE Proprietary © 2005 DEVINCI INGENIERIE MODEL UPDATE (manually) Integrated Interface (Automatic Calculations) Extraction of stresses, forces, flows … from the global model for all the elementary loading conditions GEOMETRY Size of the structure parts Files format :.xls or text (Generated manually) INPUT GLOBAL FEM RESULTS for several loading conditions (Stresses, Forces, Flows …) Files format :.xls or text (Generated automatically by the tools of the previous step) GLOBAL FEM (COARSE 2D MODEL) Elementary Loading Conditions INPUT OUTPUT The stress engineer choose the calculated criteria and the assumptions of calculation Reserve Factors (margins of safety) or Optimized Geometry for each loading condition and combinations Files format :.xls or text DRAWING DEFINITION UPDATE (manually) Under the responsability of the aircraft constructor Using specific constructors tools Click on your mouse to continue
DEVINCI INGENERIE Proprietary © 2005 DEVINCI INGENIERIE ATOS : A stress aeronautic software thought by stress aeronautic engineers Integrated Interface Systematic calculation on n load cases and p geometries Input & Output data interfacing with Excel or text files.csv type Choice of the assumptions and calculation methods Calculation methods locking by the Process Administrator Calculation on single load case & geometry Optimization of geometries on several load cases by iterative method Generation of input geometry data and formated loadings data User profil management Files sessions management Generation of calculation report files 2|CALCULATION2|CALCULATION 1 - QUALITY & TRACABILITY OF PROCESS 3|INTERFACING3|INTERFACING Online access to a database of the methods programed in ATOS 4 - MANAGEMENT OF CALCULATION METHODS 4 MAIN FUNCTIONS (click to continue) Click on your mouse to continue
DEVINCI INGENERIE Proprietary © 2005 DEVINCI INGENIERIE THE TYPICAL STRUCTURES CALCULATED BY ATOS FUSELAGE Panel fuselage Frames (orbital stiffeners) Stringers (longitudinal stiffeners) Floor track Floor strut Support Rod Click on your mouse to continue
DEVINCI INGENERIE Proprietary © 2005 DEVINCI INGENIERIE THE TYPICAL STRUCTURES CALCULATED BY ATOS WING Aft Spar Front Spar Middle Spar Rib Intrados Panel Extrados Panel Stiffeners Click on your mouse to continue
DEVINCI INGENERIE Proprietary © 2005 DEVINCI INGENIERIE The Frames in C shape : RF calculation at U.L. & L.L. Tension of flanges and skin, Local buckling of flanges, Lateral instability & Crippling of inner flange, inter-rivet buckling of outer flange & skin, Column buckling, Shear & instability of webs Plates and Shells : RF calculation & Thicknesses optimization Instability : compression, shear, bending, bi-compression & all combinations for all boundaries conditions Failure & Elaticity : Von Mises, Rankine, Saint-Venant, Tresca, Max strain energy Allowables calculation Instability for plates and shells in compression, shear, bending, bi-compression & all combinations for all boundaries conditions Super-stiffeners in instability : Crippling, Local buckling of flanges & web, Lateral instability of inner flange, inter- rivet buckling of outer flange & skin, Column buckling Fastened stiffeners in I, Z, C, L, & T - Integral stiffeners in L, I & T Plasticity corrections Compression, bending & shear Tension (Neuber) Plastic Bending (Cozzone) Material Data Base Management Calculations in ATOS V1.2 at present Click on your mouse to continue
DEVINCI INGENERIE Proprietary © 2005 DEVINCI INGENIERIE Static - RF Calculations & Optimization Stiffened panels in compression, shear, combination compression-shear & amplified bending Junctions & Fittings calculations Sections properties calculation Lugs analysis Beam analysis in several loading and boundary conditions Optimization of frames Development of high efficient Algorithms of Optimization Automatic generation of Nastran bulk DEVELOPMENTS IN PROGRESS Click on your mouse to continue