Secondary School Liturgy
Members of One Body 1 Corinthians 12: 14-22
Reader: This is the Word of the Lord All: Thanks be to God
Founder of L’Arche Communities Jean Vanier Founder of L’Arche Communities
L’Arche Community Wellington
Power and cleverness call forth admiration but also a certain separation, a sense of distance; we are reminded of who we are not, of what we cannot do…
On the other hand, sharing weaknesses and needs calls us together into “oneness.”
To be human is to bring the head and the heart together
We welcome into our hearts those who love us. In this communion, we discover the deepest part of our being
When we discover we are loved … the masks or barriers behind which we hide are dropped; new life flows.
…To trust, and to love, …that is maybe the great secret of the human being.
Hehu Karaiti, Lord Jesus You love everyone unconditionally.
Why do we struggle so much to accept others?
When we face old age and illness, what makes us afraid?
How do we deal with different ways of being?
Or our own limitations?
Jesus, Who are you calling me to support right now?
Who are you calling me to befriend?
Final Blessing May the God who created a world of diversity and vibrancy, Go with us as we embrace life in all its fullness.
May the Son who teaches us to care for all people, Go with us as we try to be good neighbours in our communities.
May the Spirit who breaks down our barriers and celebrates community, Go with us as we find the courage to create a place of welcome for all.
Final prayer from Clare Mc Beath and Tim Presswood Amen. Final prayer from Clare Mc Beath and Tim Presswood
The way we experience illness and disability is an index of the love we are ready to offer. Pope Francis' Jubilee for the Sick and Persons with Disabilities
Credits: Quotes from Jean Vanier - Images of L'Arche Bognor in Trosly, France - Christoper Bemrose,