JOB Job 1:6-12 “Wow, what a God!”
MARY Romans 3:23 Luke 1:26-31
“HIGHLY FAVORED ONE” vs. 28 “begin graced by God” Role of a mother is honorable “found favor with God” She had to live faithfully to Him Given some glimpses into the mind/character of Mary that helps us see why she gained favor with God
SHE HAD A MIND THAT CONTEMPLATED SPIRITUAL MATTERS Luke 1:29 “considered” – “tried to discern” “thorough reckoning, contemplating, deliberation” – “kept pondering” NASB Luke 2:16-19 “pondered them in her heart” Matthew 2:11 – Worshiped Jesus, not Mary Luke 2:51 “treasured up all these things”
SHE HAD SCRIPTURAL KNOWLEDGE Luke 1:46-55 – Exodus 34:7 She sought after God Words demonstrate knowledge of God’s Word- more that 23 O.T. passages referred to. Overall knowledge of God’s Word & Hebrews History- v. 47 – Isaiah 45:21; vs. 48 – Psalm 136:23; 138:6; vs. 49 – Isaiah 1:24; 6:3; 57:15;
SHE HAD SCRIPTURAL KNOWLEDGE Overall knowledge of God’s Word & Hebrews History- vs. 50 – Psalm 85:9,10; 103:11, 17,18; vs. 51 – Deuteronomy 4:33-35; Psalm 89:10-13; Nehemiah 1:8; Jeremiah 13:15; Deuteronomy 4:27; Vs. 52 – Isaiah 14:13-17; vs. 53 – Psalm 34:9-11; vs. 54 – Isaiah 63:7; 41:8-10; vs. 55 – Genesis 12,17,22,26; Psalm 105:6-10
MARY PROVED TO BE A GOOD PARENT Luke 2:51,52 “was subject to them” Under their supervision, Jesus grew in "wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.“ All can see a good example in Mary Should seek after God Truly contemplate spiritual matters Grow in the knowledge of God’s Word
“GOD IS POWERFUL & MERCIFUL” Has brought down kingdoms of proud & exalted the humble Feeds spiritually hungry & helps His people He has fulfilled His promises to Abraham Ultimately bringing us the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ