Advanced Journey Techniques Distant Reiki Sessions Module 6
DISTANCE SESSIONS TIPS & TRICKS Interview Let go and bring in Listen for intention Tonight is Reflection where we’ve been where we’re going Start Session Invocation Can use pillow or Reiki doll Take them over the bridge of light Can picture being hand in hand Find your spot in the third heaven Automatic Writing During or after Sharing impressions afterwards
5 Parts to an Invocation I invite my Reiki symbols, my spiritual teachers and guides, the divine earth and archangels and any others to whom I feel guided. I ask that Reiki only connect me with the highest source of enlightened spiritual energy in enlightened spiritual realms. I state my intention and questions for the journey. My intention is often to relax and listen and enjoy the spiritual realms and guides. I activate Reiki around me and in the room so that only illumined beings are present in the space.
TRACKING JOURNEY IMPRESSIONS Automatic Writing Out loud Retention
SHARING JOURNEY IMPRESSIONS Discernment Get out of the way Integrity Accuracy Scope of practice Responsibility Interpreting Proper time & manner Assistance from Reiki symbols
ADVANCED REIKI SKILLS JUNE 13 Understanding the Graces, Forgiveness. Reveal your Soul and Spirit. Ancestral lineage healing and empowerment. Past life healing and talents and gifts reveal. Spirit release. curse, vows, spell and promises release. JUNE 13