Warm-Up Please write 2-3 sentences about the following quote:
Welcome to 9th Grade AVID Assignments Due: Block Day – TRFs DUE Block Day – annotated article and questions DUE Friday – Binder checks – notes can be dated from 9/4-9/14 Academic Contracts WEEK 2 will be checked for 10 points Monday Sept 10, 2018 Today’s Agenda: Warm-up/ Journal Entries Update Agenda Annotate Article Write questions for Socratic Seminar Essential Question: How do I prepare for a Socratic Seminar? Objective: I will annotate text and create questions for a Socratic Seminar.
Annotating the Text Highlight important ideas Circle key vocabulary ? - Put a question mark next to anything you do not understand ! - Put an exclamation point (A- ha!) to any NEW information – something you did not know before reading the article
Writing Questions Write 3 questions related to the text, one at each level: Level 1 – Right in the text Level 2 – Connecting ideas in the text Level 3 – Beyond the text – connect it to YOUR OWN LIFE or EXPERIENCE Make sure you write YOUR answers to your questions Make sure you give an explanation as to why this is important in your life KEEP YOUR QUESTIONS!!! – I will be checking your annotated text and questions for points on the block day
Warm-Up Please write 2-3 sentences about the following quote:
Welcome to 9th Grade AVID Assignments Due: Block Day – TRFs DUE Block Day – annotated article and questions DUE Friday – Binder checks – notes can be dated from 9/4-9/14 Academic Contracts WEEK 2 will be checked for 10 points Tuesday Sept 11, 2018 Today’s Agenda: Warm-up Guest Speaker – Mrs. Nelson Essential Question: What can I learn from Mrs. Nelson? Objective: I will be an attentive listener and active participant for Mrs. Nelson.
Wednesday/ Thursday
Warm-Up Please write 2-3 sentences about the following quote:
Welcome to 9th Grade AVID Assignments Due: FRIDAY – Academic Contracts – Week 2 signatures DUE – 10 points Friday – Binder Check – notes must be dated from 9/4 – 9/14 Today’s Agenda: Wed/Thu Sept 12/13, 2018 Warm-up Tutorials Socratic Seminar Essential Question: How can I use collaborative inquiry to improve my learning? Objective: I will actively participate in a tutorial.
Socratic Seminar
What Does This Mean? “The unexamined life is not worth living.” ~Socrates
What is a Socratic Seminar? A dialogue where participants seek deeper understanding of complex ideas Participants evaluate ideas, issues, and values in texts Participants share different perspectives
The Difference Between Dialogue and Debate Dialogue is… Debate is… Collaborative Oppositional About understanding About proving others wrong Listening for deeper meaning Listening for flaws Re-evaluating assumptions Defending assumptions Keeping an open mind Close-minded About respecting all participants Demeaning others Exploring different possibilities Having one right answer Open-ended Seeking a conclusion
The Set-up ½ of the class sits in the inner circle and participates while the other ½ of the class sits in the outer circle to observe and record the participation of their partners. After about 10-15 minutes, the roles are reversed and the discussion continues.
Role of Leader Moderate discussion. Help participants rephrase questions for clarity. Encourage participants to use the text to support their responses.
Preparing for the Socratic Seminar Read the text carefully. Highlight key ideas from the text. Formulate level 1,2, and 3 questions. Make connections between the text and your life.
During the Socratic Seminar (Inner Circle) Participate. Participate. Participate. Refer to text to support your comments or questions. Take turns speaking instead of raising hands. Discuss the text, not each other’s opinions. Speak clearly. Listen carefully. Use Academic Language Scripts for Socratic Seminars as needed
During the Socratic Seminar (Inner Circle)
During the Socratic Seminar (Outer Circle) Observe your partner. Record your observations.
After the Socratic Seminar Reflect on the process.
After the Socratic Seminar Give the completed Socratic Seminar Observation form to your partner. Staple your Socratic Seminar Questions to the Socratic Seminar Observation form filled out by your partner AND your annotated text Turn in the three stapled documents to the class basket.
If you have an academic contract, place it on Mrs. Dyke’s desk NOW!!! Warm-Up If you have an academic contract, place it on Mrs. Dyke’s desk NOW!!! Write the ANSWERS/RESPONSES in your WOW Journals: How many questions did you ask during the Socratic seminar? How many times did you comment or respond to someone? Did you ask anyone else to participate in the discussion? Did you have side conversations during the discussion? Did you refer to the text during the discussion? Did you interrupt someone while they were speaking?
Welcome to 9th Grade AVID Assignments Due: Friday Sept 14, 2018 FRIDAY – Academic Contracts – Week 2 signatures DUE – 10 points Friday – Binder Check – notes must be dated from 9/5 – 9/14 Today’s Agenda: Warm-up Check Week 2 Contracts Binder Checks Essential Question: How can I stay organized? Objective: I will have my binder checked on a weekly basis to make sure my binder is organized.
After the Socratic Seminar Give the completed Socratic Seminar Observation form to your partner. Staple your Socratic Seminar Questions to the Socratic Seminar Observation form filled out by your partner AND your annotated text Turn in the three stapled documents to the class basket.