By: Ashton Travis and Aarav Goutareddy & Nicolas Rojas Recycling By: Ashton Travis and Aarav Goutareddy & Nicolas Rojas
What is recycling According to the EPA recycling is "the separation and collection of materials that otherwise would be considered waste, the processing and remanufacturing of these items into new products, and the use of the recycled products to complete the cycle." Recycling turns items like those bottles, paper, and cans that you're done with into new products. LRecycles promotes recycling because it reduces the use of virgin raw materials during production, reduces energy usage, reduces air and water pollution, and lowers greenhouse gas emissions.
Why we should recycle? When we recycle,materials are converted into new products.Recycling has been proved to save up a lot of energy.There’s 228 metric tons of trash in the landfills! Up to 80% of a vehicle can be recycled! 9 out of 10 people would ♻️ more if it was easier.
How we can help Plastics have changed the world. However,the rapid growth of middle-class and industrial economies has drastically increased the world’s plastic. Consumption in recent decades-and infrastructure development has not kept pace. The result is a dramatic increase in plastic waste.
What to recycle Plastic bottles Shredded paper Magazine’s Newspapers Pizza boxes Empty glass jars Glass Empty aluminum cans Aluminium Aerosol cans Plastic bags Corrugated cardboard Cereal boxes Box board Frozen food boxes Pots Pans. Those are all things to recycle
What not to recycle Materials like pizza boxes used paper plates napkins paper towels and jars with food residue should not be put in a recycling bin. While the materials themselves are recyclable, once they are contaminated with food they are useless.
Fun facts! Each ton of recycled paper can save 17 trees, 380 gallons of oil, three cubic yards of landfill space, 4,000 kilowatts of energy and 7,000 gallons of water! Americans use more than 67 million tons of paper per year, or about 580 pounds per person! Every day American businesses generate enough paper to circle the earth 20 times! very year more than 900 million trees are cut down to provide raw materials for American paper and pulp mills! Every day Americans recover more than 2 million pounds of paper! That's about 40 percent of the paper we
IT ‘S THE END I hope you have a fun week and be sure to recycle.