World Climates
Tropical Climates known for their high temperatures year round and for their large amount of rain year round
Desert Climates semiarid or steppe arid or desert characterized by little rain and a huge daily temperature range. Two sub-groups: semiarid or steppe arid or desert
Continental Climates can be found in the interior regions of large land masses total precipitation is not very high and seasonal temperatures
Cold Climates These climates are found where permanent ice and tundra are always present Only four months of the year have above freezing temperatures
Equatorial Climate- rainforest
Tropical Climates - savanna
Desert Climates - desert
Dry Mid-latitude Climates - steppe
Mediterranean Climate - chaparral
Dry Midlatitude Climate - grasslands
Moist Continental Climate – deciduous forest
Boreal Forest Climate - taiga
Tundra Climate - tundra
Highland Climate - alpine
Polar Ice Cap