Gα12 is not required for hepatic cystogenosis induced by Pkd1 knockout. Gα12 is not required for hepatic cystogenosis induced by Pkd1 knockout. (A) Multiple small cysts (white arrowheads) developed in livers of 9-week-old mice with knockouts of Mx1Cre+Pkd1f/fGα12+/+ or Mx1Cre+Pkd1f/fGα12−/− but not in Pkd1+/+Gα12−/− mice. (B) Mx1Cre+Pkd1f/fGα12−/− mice survived for 14 to 15 months without kidney abnormalities (black arrows). Liver and kidney tissues were stained with H&E. The blue arrows indicate large liver cysts. (C) PCR confirmed the deletion of Pkd1 exons 2–6 in genomic DNA from the liver and kidney tissues from the same mice. (D) In Mx1Cre+Pkd1f/fGα12−/, mice, the Cre recombinase protein was detected after injection of pI:pC (inducer). GAPDH served as loading control. Yong Wu et al. J Cell Sci 2016;129:3675-3684 © 2016. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd