Positivity rates and concordance of multiplex PCR and blood culture (BC) results from 27 published studies. Positivity rates and concordance of multiplex PCR and blood culture (BC) results from 27 published studies. The left two box plots indicate positive results (in percentages of blood samples); the right two box plots indicate the concordance of negative or positive paired samples (in percentages of all samples) or, with regard to isolates, the concordance of negative results and of identified isolates in paired samples (in percentages of the sum of isolates and negative results). Study data are given in Table 1. Box plots indicate the median, interquartile range, and 10th and 90th percentiles, and dots denote outlying single studies. A total of 7,814 samples/episodes were evaluated for positivity rates, 7,347 samples/episodes were evaluated for the concordance of BC and PCR results, and 6,586 samples/episodes were evaluated for the concordance of isolates (sum of isolates and BC-negative/PCR-negative sample pairs equals 6,847). Konrad Reinhart et al. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 2012; doi:10.1128/CMR.00016-12