Laboratories Oversight Board 23 April 2019 Programme Performance Update – Reporting Period 08/03/19 to 12/04/19
Regular Update Items Key Highlights Programme Budget Programme Metrics Key Risks & Issues Stakeholder Engagement Key Milestones Change Control Requests Project Updates
Blueprint Development Engagement & Communications Key Highlights IT Connectivity NLIIP PHI completed brief for costing model proof of concept PHI completed report on resource requirement for Boards in next phase Work on discipline approach delayed Boards in tranche 3 all progressing well and on target NPEx roadshow event well attended by Boards going through deployment Information Governance approvals now received for all Boards Notable Highlights Blueprint Development Engagement & Communications DSM Clinical Leads group now operational and have met twice Planning in flight for service design workshops in East and West regions East region priorities now added to roadmap Meetings with Professor Dilip Nathwani, Iain Wallace and Jacques Kerr Engagement event NHS Fife Programme blog live Newsfeeds to LinkedIn
Key Programme Metrics @ 12th April 2019 Stakeholder Engagement Programme Budget Programme Resources Overall Programme Status Benefits Realisation Programme Schedule Programme Leadership
Programme Metrics Commentary Explanatory Commentary Stakeholder engagement (G) Joint stakeholder engagement with East region. Connections made with the Access Collaborative, meetings with Dilip Nathwani, Iain Wallace and Jacques Kerr. Programme Budget (R) Metric is currently red as per last report with current year end forecast position with an underspend of approximately £380k due delay and slower mobilisation than anticipated with NHS Ayrshire and Arran, NHS Forth Valley in NPEx deployment and a delay in progress of NLIIP reducing capital spend. Conversations are ongoing regarding the ability to bid for the carry forward of underdspend monies into 19/20. The programme metric tolerance position of >5% places this metric at red. Programme Resources (A) Metric remains at amber as per previous report, core programme team currently have a vacancy for a Programme Director. Recruitment ad closed on 22/03/19 and is progressing. Benefits Realisation (A) Challenge of gathering baseline data will affect evidence of benefits realisation for 19/20. Programme Schedule (A) Programme plan remains at amber with pressure on timescales for NPEx deployments for Boards in tranche 2 NHS Ayrshire and Arran (now mobilised) and ongoing set up risk with NHS Forth Valley creating delays. Start date is not yet confirmed for NHS Forth Valley. Programme Leadership (A) Metric remains at amber due to Labs Programme Director vacancy however interim arrangements are working well with support from NSS Healthcare Science Director and Portfolio Manager. Overall Programme (A) Overall, subjective, metric stays at amber consistent with last performance report. This is due to persistent delays in tranche 2 Boards going through/about to start NPEx deployment, underspend on budget , delay in making decision on next phase development of NLIIP and challenge of gathering baseline data for evidencing benefits realisation. Positive progress made in final report for NLIIP proof of concept, organisational readiness for Boards deploying NPEx in tranche 3, stakeholder engagement, developing national roadmap and strengthening programme governance through standardisation group and DSM clinical leads group.
Change Control Requests & Decisions Requests @ 12th April 2019 0 Changes 1 business case received from DSG
Stakeholder Engagement & Communications F2F engagement Social media on hold Engagement session East Region 22/03/19 Programme blog live LinkedIn updates Newsletter circulated Leaflet produced Dilip Nathwani , Iain Wallace, Jacques Kerr,
Risks, Issues & Dependencies Summary Risks Issues Red 2 Amber 1 Green 6 Issues Conflict between the IP address ranges used at Forth Valley (192.xx.xx.xx) and those utilised by THIS Current Forth Valley infrastructure cannot facilitate the required VPN connection for NPEx
Project Status Updates IT Connectivity Delivery Project 1 National Laboratories Intelligence & Information Platform Delivery Project 2 Blueprint Development & Benefits Workstream 3
IT Connectivity Project This Period Last Period Amber NHS Borders testing in live environment IG sign off for NHS Ayrshire and Arran, NHS Shetland, NHS Orkney and Golden Jubilee Completed security for NHS Forth Valley Organisational readiness complete for NHS Shetland, NHS Ayrshire and Arran and NHS Highland Deployment initiation complete for NHS Shetland Delivered this period Challenges Actions for next period Testing of the Order Comms system at NHS Ayrshire & Arran may impact the time available for NPEx testing Resource to gather baseline data for benefits realisation Sign off on security risk assessment for NHS Forth Valley Sign off deployment for NHS Borders Data gathering for baseline data Confirm Board expansion plan Reschedule NHS Forth Valley deployment Complete deployment initiation with NHS Highland, Golden Jubilee and NHS Ayrshire and Arran
National Laboratories Intelligence & Information Platform Project This Period Last Period Amber Green National Laboratories Intelligence & Information Platform Project Delivered this period No agreement on which discipline will progress first with next phase Mismatch of views on costing model work Challenges Agree discipline priorities for phase 1 development of LOB Agree scope of costing model proof of concept and resource requirements Actions for next period Initial discussions with East region regarding proof of concept for cost model PHI produced brief for work required for costing model options paper PHI produced report on Board resource requirements for next phase of NLIIP development – discipline by discipline approach
Blueprint Development & Benefits Workstream This Period Last Period Green Amber Blueprint Development & Benefits Workstream Delivered this period Communicating the Blueprint more widely with Laboratories stakeholders Consistency in service design across 3 regions Transformation fund allocation for 2019/20 Challenges Actions for next period Service design workshops planned and prework complete Dry run of presentations for above with East and West regions Scoring mechanism for Blueprint alignment tool Programme priorities agreed with associated benefits for 2019/20 DSM Clinical Leads Subgroup have met twice Meetings with West region to agree structure for service design workshop Agreement for above to be delivered in East region also Inclusion of East region priorities in roadmap Workstream leads identified for North region
Next LABORATORIES Oversight Board – 5th June 2019
Key Programme Metrics Definitions Stakeholder Engagement Programme Budget Programme Resources Subjective evaluation of whether key stakeholders are active engaged regionally and nationally. This measure is not designed to assess stakeholders agreement on all matters but rather the extent to which they are being actively engaged. Factual evaluation of actual expenditure variance against the allocated transformation fund monies. Measurement is based on; <3% variance YTD against control total (G) <5% variance YTD against control total (A) >5% variance YTD against forecast (R) Assessment of whether sufficient resources are place across the central programme team and in the Regions to deliver the key milestones planned within the reporting period being reviewed. Benefits Realisation Programme Schedule Programme Leadership This metric evaluates the extent to which the benefits outlined in the business case are being realised over each reporting period. Also considers the underpinning methodology, measurement and tracking approach and local ownership. Evaluation of delivery achievement against baselined milestone deliverables and events in a particular reporting period. Deliverables are weighted as 20% for milestones and 10% for events, marginal late delivery that does not impact the critical path. Measurement is on; <10% variance YTD against baseline (G) <20% variance YTD against baseline (A) >20% variance YTD against baseline (R) Baseline plan presented to LOB on 5/11/18. Assessment of the extent to which senior roles are filled and active sponsorship is evident across the NLPT, LOB and Regions (e.g. Prog Dir, SRO, Chair, CEO, Clinical and Planning Leads). This metric is evaluated based on posts filled but also visible, auditable evidence of active leadership and oversight to drive activities forward, resolve issues and engage stakeholders.