On-Level Vocabulary Lesson 16 Appearances
Write the derivative… ed iness tion ness
chic Stylish; fashionable
Charming in a friendly but sophisticated way debonair Charming in a friendly but sophisticated way
Messy; untidy in personal appearance disheveled Messy; untidy in personal appearance
Having an old-fashioned appearance; shabby and out of style dowdy Having an old-fashioned appearance; shabby and out of style
Having a faded, dull appearance drab Having a faded, dull appearance
Clothing for a particular job or occasion To dress in a particular way garb Clothing for a particular job or occasion To dress in a particular way
Showy; meant to impress others ostentatious Showy; meant to impress others
rumple To wrinkle or crease
unsightly Unpleasant to look at
An appearance giving a false, positive impression veneer A thin, usually decorative layer of fine material glued onto an inferior material An appearance giving a false, positive impression