Projects under Pillar I of White Paper on Climate Change Adaptation


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Presentation transcript:

Projects under Pillar I of White Paper on Climate Change Adaptation Balázs Horváth European Commission, DG Environment

Scoping Study “Preparations for the establishment of European Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Clearinghouse – Sharing of good practice in the EU” 6-months contract (AEA) scoping phase of the Clearinghouse – would be followed by other contracts to set up the system Task A – Defining the concept, structure and scope of the Clearinghouse Task B – Assessment of possibilities for the software/system, web interface and data structure Task C – Listing and categorizing relevant information sources, data and case studies to fill the clearing house database Status: final report delivered, not fully accepted yet

Next steps Finalisation of concept note (some) input from AEA scoping study… Inter service discussion September 2009 + meeting with national platforms Setup governance structure Contract for Phase I implementation Open call for tender November 2009 Concept note as support document for tenderer 20 months, Clearinghouse available by 2011 Steering group (ENV/JRC/EEA, key countries, sectoral platforms, key research partners) Discussions for Phase II parallel to Phase I implementation

Fill-in gaps with specific projects: On-going contracts (ENV.G1) Preliminary assessment and roadmap for the elaboration of Climate Change vulnerability indicators at regional level 9 months contract (AEA, SEI, IVM, PIK), draft final report due on 17 Sept 09 Assess the feasibility and provide options for the design of vulnerability indicators, that can be used to assess further EU-wide adaptation policy Provide a first version of one option for a set of indicators with available data Key users: DG ENV (IA 2012 communication), EEA (set of indicators), REGIO Design of guidelines for the elaboration of Regional Climate Change Adaptation Strategies 9 months contract (Ecologic, AEA, IVM, Alterra), final report 1 Oct 09 An inventory of existing regional adaptation strategies (RAS) in the EU MS Guidelines on the process for the development of a regional adaptation strategy + link to support framework/tools available at EU and MS level Follow-up: distribution to regions for comments, process for communication and update to be agreed with REGIO Workshop on both contract on 17-18/6 (Brussels), presentation and minutes available on Land Use modelling implementation Development of a model to assess policy scenarios affecting land use in EU-27 2 scenarios dealing with CC Adaptation related measures Workshop in November 2009 to present results

Fill-in gaps with specific projects: contracts to start Integrated Assessment Modelling of water-related scenarios and adaptation measures Open call for tender, contract to be signed in Oct-Nov 2009 baseline scenarios for long-term impacts of climate change on water (quality and quantity) Assessment of both vulnerability to water related climate change impacts and adaptation measures Integrated analytical platform at a detailed geographical level, providing the basis for the identifications of adaptation measures to be either promoted or prevented at EU level. Synergies with the review of the implementation of the Water Framework Directive and the analysis of measures addressing Water Scarcity and Drought policy, both scheduled for 2012 Classification and costing of adaptation measures Restricted call for tender, October 2009 review of available information on costs of adaptation measures within the EU and existing methodologies. Building adaptation « cost curve » set of criteria for classifying projects, programs or budget lines + further projects under WP 2010-11 (DG ENV, JRC, EEA, others)

Overview Activities under Pillar 1 (2009-2012) 2010 2011 2012 Assessing vulnerability Scoping study vulnerability indicators Further work on vulnerability indicators (together with EEA & JRC) Impact assessment 2012 Communication on EU Adaptation Framework Modelling adaptation Climate adaptation — modelling water scenarios and sectoral impacts Land-use modelling: adaptation-related scenarios Further work on assessing adaptation measures (link with pillars II and III) Defining methodologies Guidelines Regional Adapt. Strategies Methodologies for costing adaptation measures Sharing results Preparation concept Clearinghouse Open call for tender Implementation Phase 1 Clearinghouse Phase 2 (tbd) Adaptation portal on Europa