Let’s Talk Reading Logs
LAZINESS is going to cost you!!! We are half-way through the year and some of you are getting LAZY and CARELESS when it comes to reading logs. So, we are going to go over expectations that have been in place since the beginning of the year, and introduce new ones that will mean that if you are not making an EFFORT, you will LOSE POINTS on your reading logs!!!!
Reading Log Rules ALL parts of the top section MUST be filled out in entirety. ANY missing part(s) cost you one or more points. The summary must consist of FIVE COMPLETE sentences. Here is where you record what happened in the section you read. The response must consist of FIVE COMPLETE sentences. Here is where you record what YOU THINK about what you read. There should NOT be ANY summary sentences included in this section!!! If you do not include vocabulary, your reading log is an AUTOMATIC ZERO. Vocabulary MUST include the word, part of speech (noun, adjective, adverb, verb), page number, and definition. ONE WORD definitions do not count, and definitions that include a form of the word itself do not count. INCOMPLETE SENTENCES DO NOT COUNT!!!! Sentences MUST have a VERB and an OBJECT! Remember- ask WHO and WHAT! Definitions that were NOT looked up, and just guessed, will COST you points. I CAN TELL!!!
Reading Log Rules- What Will LOSE You Points 6. EACH Word/ Phrase of Death will cost you a point, even if it’s the SAME ONE over and over. BE CAREFUL with words like where/were/we’re, there/their/they’re, your/you’re, it’s/its, are/our, to/too/two, should OF, could OF, till, cause, alot (it’s TWO WORDS!), kinda and gonna. These are the ones I have seen most frequently. 7. Filler sentences! Remember, these are costing you now! Each sentence you write MUST be specific to YOUR book! Sentences like “This book is interesting,” or “This is exciting and I can’t wait to read what happens next” COST YOU POINTS!!! Tell me WHAT is interesting about it and what you think will happen next, and why, based on WHAT has happened so far! 8. Quotations from your book are NOT your writing! DON’T include them as a sentence or you will lose a point! (Isabella!!!)
Reading Log Rules- What Will LOSE You Points 9. Reading Logs composed of ONLY short, simple sentences will be graded by WORD COUNT. This is because some of the logs I have been seeing show ZERO effort. If you continue to do this, I will give you ONE point for every FIVE words. That means you’ll need 50 words in each section. 10. You are old enough to understand that each word at the beginning of the sentence must be CAPITALIZED. If the word is not capitalized, I’m not counting it, AND I’m taking a point. (Quin!) 11. PROPER NOUNS MUST BE CAPITALIZED. This means NAMES of PEOPLE, COUNTRIES, specific STORE NAMES, etc. Each proper noun that is NOT capitalized will lose you a point! And remember, lowercase “I” is a Word of Death!!! (Kyle! Christian! Santiago! Jessica!)
Reading Logs- What Will LOSE You Points! 12. Repetition- Saying the same thing over and over again is INSULTING and will COST YOU. (Wyatt, Bree!) 13. If I can’t read it, I can’t grade it. If you have trouble writing legibly, TYPE your reading logs. This will also help you when it comes to capitalization and spelling and other grammar issues, as long as you spellcheck your work on Word or Google Docs. (Riley, Alex, I’m looking at YOU!)
Lastly… PLAGIARISM IS NOT TOLERATED!!! REMEMBER, if you CHEAT on ONE Reading Log, you will get ZEROS on ALL the Reading Logs for the WHOLE QUARTER!!! Not only that, you will be given an administrative referral and I WILL contact your parents. It is NOT worth the risk!!! It would be better to get a zero on ONE then risk them ALL by cheating!!! What counts as cheating??? Copying information from ANY source!!! A website, your friend’s logs, etc.