Global Amabassador Committees
Activities Committee This club is to create fun and short activities to do at the beginning of meetings. They should have an “international” theme and last about 10 minutes! It could be fun, informative, and/or tasty Examples: Ice breakers. global trivia, cultural information, Appetizer from Around the Globe, or discussion topics.
Conference Committee This club will do all the necessary tasks to prepare and hold the Global Conference in March. This includes: Discussion dialogues/topics/organization Helping with organizing host family plans Shadowing organization Make lunch tickets
Community Service Walking for Water – do some research – define it, what is the purpose? How will it be promoted When will you have the walks We should contact Heritage High School to see what they are doing Zambian Preschool Aid This is something started by a parent here and Harmony Middle School helped to fund a bathroom for the school Should we reach out and see if it could be something we continue here? Other possible charities: UNICEF and ending world hunger, International Women’s Day, World Peace day
International Awareness This committee will work to bring international awareness to both the school and our local community. What you want to do is up to you. It should combine fun with informative! Some suggestions to get started: Pick cultures/issues to showcase to the club Broader outreach to the school or community Can work with activities committee and/or Community Service Committee
Fundraising Committee All of these activities will cost money above the dues. The dues help to pay for the Global Conference, but the more we make, the more we can do! You will raise money to help fund ALL of the committees. Come up with Ideas for making money Implementation with teacher approval
Creative Committee The more visible we are, the more we can do! The Sky is the Limit! Logos t-shirts posters for the summit fliers for fundraising and community service
Club Framework 5 minutes: Announcements from officers of committees and Presidents 10 minutes: Activity 15 minutes: Committee Work