107-1 Data Structure Homework 2 2018/11/16
Tree Traversal Input : Output : (60%) Inorder traversal Operands : any characters except +, -, *, / Operators : +, -, *, / Output : (60%) Preorder traversal Post order traversal Level order traversal Translate the operands to ASCII code and show result of the expression. Remember to consider parentheses.
Tree Traversal Example
Tree Traversal
Heap Generate key value (1-20) randomly for each leaf and show the result. (10%) A=15 ; B=12 ; C=8 ; D=3 ; E=4 Insert the key value of A to E to the following max heap and show the result. (30%) Original : 14[12[10, 8]7[6]] Insert A : 15[12[10, 8]14[6, 7]] Insert B : _________________ Insert C : _________________ ……
Tree Send code and result (print screen) Deadline 2018/12/17 12:00 g106056004@mail.nchu.edu.tw Deadline 2018/12/17 12:00 資料結構hw2_名字 with rar or zip format Use C or C++ programming.
The end Thanks for your time