Candidate Pre-Meeting and assessment Competence Candidate Pre-Meeting and assessment
Objective At the end of the session the candidate will be able to: Detail the assessment process. Complete and confirm self assessment (ideally in SAP) with the line manager Explain the evidence presented to support the assessment (Skill level) Commit to the assessment date Explain the assessment reports (consider Note for File for progression)
Pre-Assessment Checklist Intro Safety Moment Current candidate situation (how prepared is the candidate) SAP on line familarisation Recommended (alternative excel records) Review and confirm the HSE competency in the job profile (SPM) Confirm the Proficiency Level required in the JCP and a current CV Explain the proficiency levels in simple terms SKA, Demonstrate the use of the SAP attachment tab for evidence Explain the evidence criteria i.e. Current/Authentic/Relevant/sufficient (CARS) Confirm the assessment location and date
The Assessment Be on time! Venue/Conference Seating arrangements Safety/Brief Access to SAP Report format Question Bank (depending on method) Summary Judgement