When Things Go Wrong ???? Using Problem Assessment Charts to Build Your Plan Forward Elizabeth Wall-O’Brien Scholar Programs
Discussion Overview Review: Assessment Check List Surprise: We have a problem! Rethink: Problem Assessment Charts/Concept Maps Revise: Assessment is ongoing Questions: ????????????????
Big Picture: It’s an aligned plan! Mission Goal Objective
SMART Objectives/Outcomes Specific Measurable/Observable (Frequency, Duration, Intensity) Attainable Realistic Time Driven S M A R T
Check List Problem Research Develop Plan Feedback Revise Evaluate
Careful Planning…. Example An Event for Students Set Up Details Scheduling Promotion Preparation Implementation Evaluation Find Space Select time Invite speakers/panelists Set up event on E&I Set up technology Order Food Publicize Prepare Develop pre-tests/post-tests Monitor RSVP
“If you Build it They Will Come” ?? We monitored RSVPs on the CRM We sent email reminders The numbers looked great We prepared sign- in sheets Printed out Pre-Post tests Made sure to include event feedback forms We assigned a college assistant to monitor attendance and pre/post test administration WE WERE READY!!!!
What kind of assumptions did we make? Where Are They? Students who said they would come, did not attend!!!! Fortunately many students who did not submit RSVPS, showed up ????? Questions: We know students need and want these events so what’s going on here? What kind of assumptions did we make?
Gather Data Question the answers Test assumptions Pre-test /Post Test Ask Questions Develop Hypotheses Question the answers Test assumptions Pre-test /Post Test Interviews Survey Consult Brainstorm!
Problem Assessment Charts Heavily used in public health to identify underlying causes of barriers to health Provides a way to look at problems through interdisciplinary/multi- systemic lenses Evidence driven Designed to show complex relationships
Problem Assessment Many students take Wednesday’s off Brainstorm…… Keep Brain Storming… Many students take Wednesday’s off Students work on Wednesdays Many of our students have labs at Brookdale on Wednesdays Students don’t read emails There are competing events Students don’t know about the event Other obligations compete Students want to attend but academic pressures intervene especially if an event is planned near midterm/final exams or “something comes up”. The time is not convenient The location is not convenient
Factors Affecting Attendance At Events Scheduling Promotion Other Competing Events Work Methods Tracking ? ? Labs Conflict Dean’s Hours Email? Reliability Off
Work Backwards Timing of Event Group Influences Student Variables Competition PROBLEM Student Attendance at Events Individual Influences Shift in Priorities ???? Program ???? Program Planning Variables Promotion Communication Methods Other Variables ????
Use a Decision Matrix High Importance High Changeability Low Changeability Low Importance
Using Assessment to find Answers…. Articulate the Problem Brainstorm potential causes Map the results using Problem Assessment Diagrams Look for common themes and trace the problem to the source Make recommendations and craft a new plan Test the plan and revise as needed