Domestic Fire Safety fatal fires & consumer products Margrethe Kobes researcher/advisor
Contents Fatal domestic fires in the Netherlands –In-depth research approach –Facts & figures Fire safety of consumer products –Research topics –Results –Recommendations to national government Survey of consumer behaviour by National Prevention Week 2005
Fatal domestic fires – Research approach Reports of fatal fires in newspapers –ANP & Alliance for Consumer Fire Safety Europe (ACFSE) Inquiry form to involved fire brigade –Fire cause & fire growth –Object and room of origin –Fire alarms –Personal circumstances (e.g. awake/sleeping, age)
Fatal domestic fires – Facts & figures National statistics (CBS): 45 fatalities (?? fires) Newspapers: 53 fatalities (48 fires) Inquiry forms: 40 fatalities (35 fires)
Fatal domestic fires – Facts & figures Source: Nibra. Fire cause Percentage (N=35) Arson/suicide 28,5 Falling asleep during smoking 26,0 Unknown 14,0 Candles 11,5 Cooking 8,5 Chimney fires 5,5 Clothes nearby heater 3,0 Magnifying glass ignites chair 3,0
Fatal domestic fires – Facts & figures Source: Nibra. Object of origin Percentage (N=35) Unknown 31,5 Bedclothes/mattress 17,0 Upholstered furniture 17,0 Other furniture 11,5 Clothes 8,5 Pan/deep fryer 5,5 Floor covering 3,0 Gas heater 3,0 Papers 3,0
Fatal domestic fires – Facts & figures Source: Nibra. Room of origin Percentage (N=35) Bedroom 34,0 Living room 31,5 Kitchen 14,5 Other/unknown 14,5 Attic 5,5
Fatal domestic fires – Facts & figures
Smoke alarm4 fatalities, 4 fires (suicide 2; smoking 1; unknown 1) No smoke alarm32 fatalities, 28 fires Unknown4 fatalities, 3 fires Source: Nibra. Personal circumstances Percentage (N=40) Sleeping 55,0 Vulnerable 20,0 Awake 7,5 Under influence 7,5 Unknown 10,0
Fire safety of consumer products Research commisioned by: Food and Consumer Safety Authority (VWA) Independent agency in Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) and will be a delivery agency for Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) Aim VWS: To reduce the number of casualties in domestic fires with 10% in 2006 in comparison with 2001
Fire safety of consumer products Research topics: 1.Safety of consumer products related to fires (cause and fire growth) 2.Effectiveness of product related interventions on fire safety (engineering and using behaviour)
Domestic fires – National statistics (CBS) Source: CBS, revised by Nibra
Difference between National Statistics and Nibra in-depth research (2000) Source: Nibra, Causes and effects of domestic fires. Arnhem.
2/ Fire causes in 2000 Difference between National Statistics and Nibra in-depth research (2000)
Fire safety of consumer products Fire causes (related to consumer products) Unsafe using behaviour 45,5% -Cooking31,0% -Consumer product 4,5% -Candle 4,5% -Smoking 4,5% Engineering fault 15,0% -Dryer 4,5% -TV 3,5% -Washing machine 2,5% -Cooler/freezer 1,5%
Source: DTI, Causes of fires involving television sets in dwellings. London, UK. Fire safety of consumer products
Restricted flow of air most important cause of fire in clothes dryer (Source: United States Consumer Products Safety Commission & VWA)
Fire safety of consumer products Fire growth and fatalities (related to consumer products) Upholstered furniture (20%) and mattresses (3%) cause of fatality: -falling asleep during smoking -falling asleep in room with burning candles Furniture in kitchen (12%) cause of fatality: -water in pan with burning fat -clothes ignited during cooking
Fire safety of consumer products Expert opinion concerning governmental intervention policy Members of expert panel: -KEMA Quality BV -Consumer and Safety (Consument en Veiligheid) -Alliance for Consumer Fire Safety Europe (ACFSE) -Food and Consumer Safety Authority (VWA) -TNO Building and Construction Research, Centre for Fire Research -Delft University, RiskCentre -Utrecht University, Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences
Fire safety of consumer products Conclusions and recommendations (1) Safety of consumer products mostly important regarding fire growth and smoke development USA and UK regulations concerning fire retardants are effective Domestic sprinklers are good alternative for utilization of fire retardants
Fire safety of consumer products Conclusions and recommendations (2) One third of fires in kitchens, caused by cooking. Further research on (1) fire safe design of furniture and cooker hood, (2) utilization of sprinklers in kitchens
Fire safety of consumer products Conclusions and recommendations (3) Evaluation of behaviour related policy interventies needed Fire investigation by fire brigades needed for goal- oriented policy-making, see USA and UK Difference between National Statistics and in-depth research Detailed information needed about engineering faults and unsafe behaviour related to consumer products
Fire Prevention Week 2005 Results of survey under 500 households (source: NBPW, 2005) 16% never cleans dust filter of dryer 50% never cleans air exhaust pipe of dryer 1 out of 3 households does not every 3 months replace fat filter in cooker hoot
Fire Prevention Week 2005 Results of survey under 500 households (source: NBPW, 2005) 1 out of 10 persons places burning object on or nearby tv
Fire Prevention Week 2005 Results of survey under 500 households (source: NBPW, 2005) One third of households does not have smoke alarms Reasons: lazyness / never thought about it58 % not nessecary21 % to expensive12 % do not know where to buy 6 % to ugly 3 %
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