Ch. 22 “Crash and Depression” Section 4 “The Election of 1932” Page 756-757
Vocabulary Hawley-Smoot tariff Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) Bonus Army
1. How did President Hoover respond to the Great Depression? 2. What did Roosevelt mean when he offered Americans a “New Deal”? 3. Why was the election of 1932 a significant turning point for American politics? 4. How did the Bonus Army conflict contribute to Hoover’s downfall? 5. Describe Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s appeal to the American voter in 1932?
Review Prepare your Response Cards
1. Roosevelt won the 1932 presidential election after promising A) a "new deal" for the American people. B) an immediate end to the Depression. C) to close the stock market. D) to lower taxes.
A) a "new deal" for the American people
2. Hoover's refusal to provide direct federal aid relief caused A) his reelection. B) a rapidly improving economy. C) an increase in Republicans' popularity. D) Americans to blame him for their problems
D) Americans to blame him for their problems
3. Who said "We have nothing to fear but fear itself?" A) Herbert Hoover B) Eleanor Roosevelt C) an anonymous broker on the New York Stock Exchange D) Franklin D. Roosevelt
D) Franklin D. Roosevelt
4. The Hawley-Smoot tariff A) gave government credit to large companies. B) created local relief programs. C) taxed American exports. D) taxed foreign imports.
D) taxed foreign imports.
5. When FDR took office, his wife Eleanor was A) an experienced political worker and social reformer. B) devoted to her husband, but inexperienced in political matters. C) politically active but an invalid, stricken with polio at an early age. d) considered an unlikely choice of partner for a man of Roosevelt's political stature.
A) an experienced political worker and social reformer.
6. The "Bonus Army," consisting of U. S 6. The "Bonus Army," consisting of U.S. World War I veterans and their families, was defeated by A) German troops at Verdun. B) American soldiers under General MacArthur. C) hunger and cold. D) fortifications around Washington D.C.
B) American soldiers under General MacArthur.
7. The Great Depression lasted until A) President Hoover left office. B) a group of bankers pooled their money and purchased stocks. C) the U.S. entered World War II in 1941. D) businesses cut workers' salaries and productivity returned.
C) the U.S. entered World War II in 1941.