An Investigation of Food Insecurity at WPI
Food Insecurity, Defined
Food Insecurity in Massachusetts
Food Insecurity in College Students In Massachusetts: MIT Quinsigamond Community College Holy Cross Across the United States: California State University System Illinois Public Universities The Wisconsin Hope Lab Chris (Knows about the WHL, can speak to the Mass. College information, Quinsigamond Transfer) QCC – "57% of students cut or skipped meals due to budgetary concerns" (link) MIT - "… as many as 13% of undergraduates do not have enough to eat" Holy Cross – SPUD(?) program (Poverty and Hunger programs) (link) Wisconsin Hope lab (premiere study into campus hunger) based out of the University of Wisconsin. QCC - 2018 MIT - 2018 California - 2018 report Illinois - 2016 report WHL - spring 2018 report
Food Insecurity at WPI No Prior Research Administrative Concerns Demonstrated Need
Survey Online Platform Design Basis Anonymous Chris Qualtrics (WPI resource) Designed to be concise and collect only the necessary information needed to identify severity Demographics questions are to be used to identify causes and correlations of food insecurity, and potential solutions to food insecurity on campus.
Interviews Benefits of Interviews Students Professionals Maggie (Came up with interview questions and forms)
Dan UP READABILITY OF THESE GRAPHS Add data to end of bar Go vertical bars on 1st graph, take out degrees of food insecurity For 2nd, take out employment information
Dan UP READABILITY OF THESE GRAPHS Add data to end of bar Go vertical bars on 1st graph, take out degrees of food insecurity For 2nd, take out employment information
Student Testimonials “My mental health: anxiety, worrying, and shame about how to pay for food and all the other bills in my life.” “Cannot eat in Morgan to make friends/with friends due to lack of funds” “It's super hard to focus on studying when you're wicked hungry and end up spending an hour debating whether you should suck it up and get food on campus because it is too expensive to be able to afford.” “All of these areas [social, health, studies] are affected. I feel like a burden on the people around me. I feel like I cannot take care of my own needs.” Dan
Education For Freshmen Budgeting Meal Plans Nutrition Food-Related Resources Maggie
Support for Dietary Restrictions Allergen-Free Options Minimization of Cross-Contamination Clear, Specific Food Labeling Practices. Maggie
Increasing Access to Food Dorms Further From Main Campus Late-Night Hours Small, On-the-Go Meal-Swipe Kiosks
Meal Swipe Donation App App Features Kiosk Methods for Student Donation Chris
Pre-Packaged Meal Donation Frozen, Sealed Food Accessible for Holidays and Breaks Requires Storage Reduces Overall Waste in Dining Facilities Chris
Benefits for Upperclassmen SNAP Benefits Application Process Information Maggie
Clubs and Organizations Demographic Clubs Organizations to Implement Solutions Chris
Food Insecurity Task Force Demographic Composition Determines the Needs of Food Insecure Students Ensures the Sustainability of Solutions Implements New Solutions as Necessary Maggie
Conclusion Maggie