Xueman Wang, GPSC, World Bank


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Presentation transcript:

Xueman Wang, GPSC, World Bank Third Working Group Meeting, May 25 to 26, DC

GPSC: Urban Sustainability Framework Methodology for assessment Scenario analysis Process for formulation Key components of action plan Core indicators Approach and tools for data collection Assessing financial sustainability Capital investment plan Investment options Financing Investment Data indicators Rapid Assessment Benchmarking Vision Action Plan

Purposes of USF An overarching guidance document for supporting cities to pursue integrated approach To be used by cities to facilitate the understanding on its urban sustainability status, formulate or enhance vision, strategy and implementation To be informative with good practice around the world To include GPSC recommended approach Facilitating the coherence of the output of the GPSC-IAP program Linking the two tracks (GPSC and city level projects) as joint deliverables Consolidating the GPSC three pillars (indicators, planning and finance) in a more coherent manner; Establishing common understanding and monitoring progress on urban sustainability over time GPSC city dashboard Supporting cities for the new round of participation in GPSC-IAP

Approach to USF Consolidating and improving methodologies of the existing initiatives identifying common elements and gaps Learning from initiatives such as IDB, ADB, EBRD, UNEP, National University of Singapore, PWC and the work by cities USF: a joint product from the partner organizations To be improved over time based on feedback and practice of cities Not to replace the guidance documents from existing initiatives A framework document: a series of guidance documents will be issued overtime

Consultation on USF First draft released in March Comments received from ADB, EBRD, UNIDO, WRI/ICLEI/C40 and experts Revising the USF after May WG meeting WB internal review One more round feedback Releasing at GPSC Second Annual Meeting in October

Indicators, Tools and Data Management Key Components of USF: Indicators, Tools and Data Management Sustainability Indicators and data Core indicators across seven dimensions Economic and competitiveness Land use and urban form Connectivity and transport Environment and resource efficiency Climate change (emissions and vulnerability) Population, Social health, Welfare and health Fiscal Sustainability and governance Using geospatial tools for data collection, data governance Feedback: What’s the basis for selecting those indicators and dimensions? How UN-SDG goals have been taken into account? What’s the purpose of those indicators? What’s the expectation of using those indicators? How to address the issue of consistency across different cities?

Assessing Urban Sustainability Status and Enhancing Urban Strategy Benchmarking and assessing city’s urban sustainability status Benchmarking to good practice SWOT analysis Development of future scenarios Urban growth scenario analysis for planning Vision, action plan and monitoring Key components Consultation and stakeholder engagement Feedback: Good practice from developed country cities is dominant. Need to include developing country cities, in particular those from GPSC cities More information on vision and action plan needs to be included to give guidance on how the action plan should be developed.

Financing the Plan Measuring and benchmarking financial sustainability Fulfilling Prerequisites to Financing Identifying and preparing projects Feedback: The financial information from municipal government may be difficult to obtain. What’s the expectation from cities with respect to “financing the plan”?