Communicating progress under WFD


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Presentation transcript:

Communicating progress under WFD Diederik van der Molen , the Netherlands Emmanuel Steinmann , France Laurent Roy , France Jan Busstra, the Netherlands 31 July 2019

Status (2014 and 2021) of 205 large water bodies in the Rhine river basin (draft 2nd RBMP of the ICPR) 2014 2021 Chemical status 2021 Ecological status Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 31 July 2019

Is it really that bad….? WWF: “The Rhine is now one of the cleanest rivers in Europe and faster than expected plants and animals return. The Rhine is ready to welcome back also the Atlantic sturgeon.” WWF is preparing experimental reintroduction of French sturgeons in the Dutch part of the Rhine. Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 31 July 2019

WFD indicators based on one-out-all-out ... do not represent the real status ... are insensitive for changes Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 31 July, 2019

Are there additional indicators? - Chemical status Directive on Environmental Quality Standards 2013 introduced ‘ubiquitous substances’. Substances “that may be found for decades in the aquatic environment at levels posing a significant risk, even if extensive measures to reduce or eliminate emissions have already been taken.” All substances Without ubiquitous substances Chemical status 2014 Data: draft 2nd RBMP of the ICPR - Rhine Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 31 July, 2019

Chemical status 2013 All chemical substances Without ubiquitous substances Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 31 July 2019

Are there additional indicators? - Ecological status Presentation by biological quality element Standardization and EU approval needed for comparability between member states and acceptability within member states nr. water bodies Data: draft 2nd RBMP’s of the Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 31 July, 2019

Indicator on the use of exemptions The Netherlands: 1th RBMP 2009: 86% water bodies need extended deadline Draft 2nd RBMP: 86.5% water bodies need (again) extended deadline 2015 compared to 2009: More quality elements monitored Different methods (QA/QC Directive, national improvements) Changed standards (Intercalibration, new data, EQS Directive) Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 31 July 2019

Conclusions Why do we need better indicators? For the people working, living and recreating in and around water Public and political support Funding to tackle remaining pressures One-out-all-out indicator works contra-productive Way forwards: Additional indicators needed for the status of water bodies Additional work to be done on presentation of exemptions Use of data already provided by electronic reporting Standardization and approval needed for Comparison between member states Acceptability of the indicators within member states Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 31 July 2019

Thank you for your attention! 31 juli 2019