Leading Strategically: Strategic thinking Nepal Administrative Staff College Leading Strategically: Strategic thinking Facilitators Suwarn Kumar Singh Nabin Chapagain Advanced Course on Management and Development 2018/8/15
Forethought "Energy saving is the generation of energy” Kulman Ghising "The priority [of the government] now should be on job-creating economic change, propelled by large investments in infrastructure. Energy and connectivity can unleash potentials in manufacturing, tourism, and agriculture.” - Swarnim Wagle
Do they communicate strategy? Forethought n}lËs ;dfgtf, ;dfj]zLs/0f, jftfj/0f ;+/If0f, lj1fg tyf k|ljlwsf] pRrtd k|of]u tyf ;+:yfut Ifdtf a9fpg] . Do they communicate strategy?
Ps of Strategy Perspective Plan Position Pattern
Strategy as a… POSITION Means of locating an organization in an environment – How the service recipients wants to see us ? PERSPECTIVE An deep-rooted way of perceiving the world – How the leader thinks and see the environment and world ? Examples: Position – Load shedding mukata samaz Prespective – Chuhabat niyatran garna sakin cha, Janta le sahayog garchan, Bidhuta supply gare pachi zaha pani jancha – ke ko lagi pathaune bayakti ki bayabsaya (integirity), yesari pani chale kai ta cha ( 8 ghanta / 12 ghanta bhane pani patayaune aawstha thiyo)
Strategy as a… PLAN Consciously intended course of action, a set of guidelines to deal with the situation – How to achieve the position ? PATTERN In a stream of actions…consistency in behavior whether or not intended – How plans are translated / how decisions are made ? Plan: Kasari garne, Sarbazanik appeal garne, Niyaman garne, Janachetana badhaune, Main transmission line marmat garne, new source of energy generation garne Pattern: LED ko kharid, Bakayakti ra bayabasaya lae bidhuta bitaran ko samaya farka
Strategy to answer… Where is the organization now? Where does the organization want to be in one, two, or five years? How can we get there? What are the risks and payoffs involved?
Where do it start ?
Strategic Thinking
Strategic Thinking
Strategic Management Strategic management: Art and science of formulating, implementing, and evaluating cross- functional decisions that enable an organization to achieve its objectives. Set of decisions and actions that result to the formulation and implementation of plans designed to achieve an objectives; Study of why and how some firms outperform others.
Strategic Management Common phenomenon with common practice Common phenomenon with different practice Different phenomenon with common practice Different phenomenon with different practice
Strategic management in public sector Value Chain Exercise
External Factors Internal Factors
External Factors Internal Factors Determine relevance of internal and external factors Identify and evaluate alternatives Strategy Formulation Implementation and Control Internal Factors
Shared values and culture Internal Factors: Some Drivers Policies, Regulation, Procedures, Structure, Resources, Timeliness, Output, Service Design Service Quality, Integrity, Accountability, Competent Leadership and Management Clear Objective, Resourcefulness, Strategic Thinking, Career Development, Work Place Quality, Work Load, Shared values and culture
External Factors: Some Drivers Legal, Technological, Political, Environmental, Economical Fairness, Right Service, Availability, Accessibility Awareness, Need, Expectations, Knowledge, Social Values, Politics
Strategic Planning Process
Strategic Planning is … … an organization's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue strategy. It is defined as the process of addressing the following questions: Where are we? - SWOT (Internal and External Analysis considering Value Chain) Where do we want to be? – VMO How do we get there? – Strategy Formulation (RBV)
Strategic Planning Process Getting ready (agreement) Environmental analysis (SWOT analysis) in context of Public Sector Value Chain Strategy Formulation (Identification of Strategic Issues and Factors, Vision/Mission, Objectives, Roles, Strategies) Strategy Implementation (Strategic Actions/Action plan- Tasks/Activities, By whom, By when, Critical Success Factors etc.) Evaluation and Control
Leading Strategically: OD Needs assessment and Interventions
We are busy !
Organization Development Process of increasing organizational effectiveness and facilitating personal and organizational change through the use of interventions driven by social and behavioral science knowledge. A process of fundamental change in organizational culture Process of bringing to the surface those implicit behavioral patterns that are helping and hindering development.
OD Needs Assessment A systematic exploration of the way things are and the way they should be. These "things" are usually associated with organizational and/or individual performance.
Organization-Level Diagnostic Model Inputs Design Components Outputs General Environment Industry Structure Technology Strategy Structure HR Measurement Systems Systems Effectiveness Organization Culture Cummings & Worley, 7e (c) 2001
Group-Level Diagnostic Model Inputs Design Components Outputs Organization Design Goal Clarity Task Team Structure Functioning Group Group Composition Norms Team Effectiveness
Individual-Level Diagnostic Model Inputs Design Components Outputs Organization Design Group Design Personal Traits Goal Variety Task Identity Autonomy Task Feedback Significance about Results Individual Effectiveness
Need Assessment Work in Group Time: 15 min discussion 5 min presentation
Needs Types Needs (gaps) are of 4 types: Normative Relative Expressed Perceived
Types of Need Normative Defined as falling below a standard criterion established by custom, authority, or general consensus. Eg: Records are not available easily most of the time Relative Measured by the gap between the level of service between similar communities Eg: Technology implementation in public service delivery is better in neighboring countries
Types of Need, cont. Expressed Perceived Defined in terms of the number of people who actually have sought (wanted) help Eg: In-service training is must for forthcoming promotions Perceived Defined in terms of what people think their needs are or feel their needs to be Eg: PhD degree is important for trainers and researchers
Intervention To intervene is to enter into an ongoing system of relationships to come between or among persons, groups, or objects for the purpose of helping them. Argyris, C. (1970) Intervention theory and method. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley
OD interventions An action or set of actions designed to introduce changes in organization for improving its efficiency and effectiveness. A set of planned change activities intended to improve organization's effectiveness, including quality of work life and productivity. - Cumming, 1993
Write Interventions Discuss in your group why this technique is appropriate Time: 10 min for writing interventions 5 min for presentation
Individual level intervention Life and Career Planning activities Education and Training Mentoring, Coaching and Counseling T-group (Sensitivity training) Job redesign Behavior modeling Reflection Responsibility charting Individual goal setting / 360 degree feedback Performance appraisal Leadership development Values Clarification and Value Integration Conflict Management Action Learning Self-Awareness Tools
Team level interventions Team building: task / process directed Interdependency exercise Appreciative inquiry Responsibility charting Role analysis technique Decision making, problem solving, planning, goal setting in team Conflict management/ Confrontation meeting Job enrichment MBO Appreciations and concerns exercise Visioning Quality of work life programmes Quality circles Force field analysis Self managed teams Process consultation
Organization level interventions Socio-technical systems MBO Cultural analysis Confrontation meetings Visioning Strategic planning Performance management Employee wellness / Reward system Diversity management Knowledge Management Interdependency exercise Survey feedback Appreciative inquiry QWL programmes TQM Physical settings Large scale systems change Succession planning Structural changes / Restructuring: Downsizing, Decentralization and Centralization
Guiding and Driving Path
Concluding thought “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new” - Socrates