SELECT THE TEAM WHO IS GOING TO PLAY NEXT Round 1 Team 1 SELECT THE TEAM WHO IS GOING TO PLAY NEXT Team 2 City Upon a Hill Articles of Confederation Sons of Liberty MODIFY +/- SCORES WINNER’S CIRCLE “Common Sense” Great Awakening Alexander Hamilton
SELECT THE TEAM WHO IS GOING TO PLAY NEXT Round 1 Team 1 SELECT THE TEAM WHO IS GOING TO PLAY NEXT Team 2 XYZ Affair Federalist Papers Shays Rebellion MODIFY +/- SCORES WINNER’S CIRCLE George Washington Mercantilism Quakers
“But if the reports which we now hear are true, that with England all hope of honorable accommodation is at an end, and that with France our negotiations are in a fowardness encouraging expectations of a favorable result, where is the motive for longer delay? The final step ought to be taken; and that step is WAR. By what course of measures we have reached the present crisis, is not now a question for freemen and patriots to discuss. It exists; and it is by open and manly war only that we can get through it with honor and advantage to the country. Our wrongs have been great; our cause is just; and if we are decided and firm, success is inevitable.” - excerpt from letter from Henry Clay 1812 Which of the following factors led to the War of 1812? A. A Canadian invasion of New England. B. Growing American involvement in European commerce and affairs. C. The destruction of the White House by British ships. D. A Spanish invasion of California What impact did the War of 1812 have on American politics? A. It ushered in the Era of Good Feelings. B. It led to the birth of the Free Soil party. C. It had no effect on American politics. D. It caused many Americans to be abstain from voting. What impact did the War of 1812 have an American nationalism? A. The war reduced nationalism because it was a decisive defeat for America. B. Although the war was a decisive defeat, it had no impact on American nationalism. C. Although the conflict was indecisive, it boosted American nationalism. D. Although the war was a decisive victory, it had no impact on American nationalism.
“The abolitionism which I advocate is as absolute as the law of God, and as unyielding as his throne. It admits of no compromise. Every slave is a stolen man; every slaveholder is a man stealer. By no precedent, no example, no law, no compact, no purchase, no bequest, no inheritance, no combination of circumstances, is slaveholding right or justifiable.” How much support did Garrison’s message find amongst Americans in the 19th century? A. Very little — most Americans were indifferent to slavery or supported it. B. Very little — the lack of effective communications prevented Garrison from spreading his message. C. A lot — many Americans had long hated slavery and only needed a visionary like Garrison to lead them. D. A lot — most Americans felt ashamed of the nation’s continued support for slavery. What was an important consequence of the Missouri Compromise of 1820? A. It overturned the Dred Scott decision by banning slavery in all parts of the newly acquired Louisiana territory. B. It caused the Civil War by permitting slavery in all parts of the Louisiana territory. C. It temporarily silenced debate but ultimately failed to resolve the controversy over slavery. D. It permanently resolved the debate over slavery by counting slaves as three-fifths of a person.
Pd. 4 Stuff TJ-”Revolution of 1800”? Madison Monroe Gov’t that governs least, governs best (Synthesis) Marbury Madison La Purchase + and – Embargo Act (Synthesis) Madison War of 1812/Causes/Effects Monroe Monroe Doctrine Effects??? (Synthesis)
Pd 4 stuff JQA/Clay American System (corrupt bargain) Age of Jackson Infrastructure (Erie Canal/roads/manufacturing/Lowell system Age of Jackson Spoils System/Jacksonian Democracy Spoils System Jackson vs the Bank Nullification Crisis (Synthesis) Indian Removal Act Trail of Tears (Synthesis)
Pd 4 stuff 1840’s Reform Westward Expansion Education/Temperance/Dorothea Dix/ 2nd Great Awakening Women’s Movement/Seneca Falls/Cult of Domesticity (synthesis) Abolitionism/ Garrison/Douglas/Tubman Westward Expansion Manifest Destiny/Trails/Importance of West Mexican War/ Effects/