Model of functional coupling of LD and vacuole dynamics. Model of functional coupling of LD and vacuole dynamics. (Left panel) TORC1-signaling from functional vacuoles (green circle) mediates mobilization of LDs during growth resumption by regulating interconversion between DAG and PA, thus allowing efficient utilization of LD (gray circle)-derived DAG for membrane lipid biosynthesis in wild-type cells. (Right panel) Defective TORC1-signaling due to dysfunctional vacuoles (red circle) prevents the efficient utilization of LD-derived DAG for PA synthesis, as well as downstream membrane lipid synthesis in, for example, ESCRT mutant (escrtΔ) cells. Sarah Ouahoud et al. J Cell Sci 2018;131:jcs213876 © 2018. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd