ISTE Standards & Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy 1
Module Objectives: Teachers will 3 Objectives - Teachers will become familiar with ISTE standards and make the connection with ISTE and Common Core State Standards. create/revise a lesson to incorporate some of these standards in a more student-centered instructional approach. become familiar with tools that support ISTE standards and Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy. 2
ISTE Standards in Action ISTE student standards 1. The facilitator hands out the ISTE student standards to each participant 2. Participants watch the video and highlight which skills the students demonstrate in the video 3. Table and group share Another group’s project 3
Video Debrief - Tea Party
ISTE Standards Before beginning the activity, under the File menu, choose make a copy and rename it with your department name. In your department groups, complete the second column in the table below by indicating how you currently promote ISTE standards in your classrooms (be specific about the activity types that promote the standard). In the third column, describe how you might do so in the future (again, be specific about the activity types that promote the standard). 5
List the 10 most common learning activities in your classroom/department. Name the Bloom’s level associated with each activity. --------------------------------- For each activity listed, what new activity could raise the Bloom’s level? Quiet, I'm thinking - photograph taken by Grant MacDonald, Toronto, Canada0 6
Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy Teachers will spend some time looking at the website and you should encourage them to download the booklet. After 15 minutes, ask teacher to complete #4 of of the previous exercise. 4. Add a technology tool that could support the new learning activity. 8
Lesson Development/Modification Same template as before with ISTE and Bloom’s added to the template. Forty-five minutes to complete the activity. Teaching channel – CCSS lesson ideas 9
Magic Moment Skype is a service allowing users to communicate with peers by voice using a microphone, video by using a webcam, and instant messaging over the Internet. There are many lesson developed for using Skype in the classroom. A great tool for collaboration and home-school communications (parent-teacher conference, etc.) Many examples of it use on the website. 10
Module 5 - Next Steps Teachers create a lesson using ISTE standards and Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy in helping students meet or exceed CCSS.
Follow-up Suggestions Continue discussions at staff or department meetings of the ISTE standards and how to incorporate them in their lesson planning to help students meet CCSS. Begin investigation into problem-based learning (PBL) which supports all: CCSS, ISTE and Bloom’s revised Taxonomy.
Module 5 - Follow-up Suggestions Have discussions at staff or department meetings about using Skype in the classroom and investigating the Skype projects identified in the module. Continue professional development regarding Blooms in conjunction with Webb’s Depth of Knowledge.
Next School2Home Workshop Wednesday February 25, 2015 Module 6 Alternative Instructional Strategies