Why don’t we have cures for all cancers? With the help of targeted drugs (like Herceptin for Some breast cancers , Gilvec for certain leukeamias , and brand new drugs like PORTER MCALISTER
One reason is, disconcerting genetic diversity of cancers could be the cause. In other words cancer needs to be personalized
Another idea is to chase down each cancer down an evolutionary valley and into a dead end from which it can’t escape. In practice, this would mean treating a patient with one targeted drug and, if their cancer returns with newly developed resistance evolved and hit the tumor with another drug directed at that resistance mechanism.
“As the biological system that are blocked by the treatment spontaneously compensate by re-routing the cancer cells eternal wiring ,there by restoring the cancers ability to grow and spread Analogy : traffic hot spots in towns can cause major traffic jams, but cunning drivers will quickly find short cuts to get around the congestion
A lot of people have helped out too A lot of people have helped out too. Like donating to charities for cancer research.
Cancerresearchchuk.org www.michaeljfox.org