6/8 Day 3- Take out Presidents packet. Let’s review H. W 6/8 Day 3- Take out Presidents packet. Let’s review H.W. Bush and complete Clinton. Learning Target: I can evaluate the effectiveness of the Foreign and Domestic policies of Bill Clinton. (put in the center) Homework: Grouping Review Sheet due Thurs. Barack Obama due Friday.
1993-2001 Party: Democrat V.P: Al Gore Bill Clinton Clinton on the Sax William J. Clinton 1993-2001 Party: Democrat V.P: Al Gore Bill Clinton Clinton on the Sax
Foreign Policy GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade lowered trade barriers Established WTO ( World Trade Organization) to resolve trade disputes
Foreign Policy NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement U.S., Mexico, Canada agree to free trade zone
Foreign Policy PLO Palestine Liberation Organization and Israel agree to a degree of self government Rabin (killed) & Arafat
Foreign Policy Middle East Relations Increased tension and violence between the Palestinians and Israelis.
Domestic Policy Baby Boomers “Graying” of America Life expectancy rises so… SOCIAL SECURITY- number of recipients rises rapidly Not enough money? No plan to fix it agreed upon
Domestic Policy Health Care Reform Clinton presented package to ensure health care for all Americans Critics said it was too expensive Congress rejects plan
Domestic Policy Balanced Budget Amendment U.S. debt $4 trillion 1997 legislation to balance their budget by 2002, had spending cuts and tax breaks 1998 has budget surplus
Domestic Policy Impeachment Several activities investigated Whitewater- accused of illegal real estate scheme Monica Lewinski incident- Clinton accuses of lying under oath December 1998 Clinton impeached Senate found him not GUILTY
Campaign Finance Reform Politicians spend millions to buy/ win an Election. Efforts to limit the amounts are discussed but never changed.
Gun Control Because of Columbine Major changes at the school level occur Attempts to limit the sale of guns. NRA stops all changes on the national level.
Domestic Policy Supreme Court Appointments Ruth Bader Ginsburg Stephen Breyer