Home of the Conquistadors and the Best Students Ever! Welcome to Arroyo Seco! Home of the Conquistadors and the Best Students Ever!
Who we are……….. Dr. Andy Keyne -- Principal Cliff Miller -- Assistant Principal Fayanne Bakoo -- Assistant Principal Jo Ann Ward -- Counselor Jesse Marshall -- Counselor Sue Dielentheis -- Counselor A whole bunch of incredible teachers and support personnel!
Teaming PE and Exploratories Rotating Schedule Keys to Success Life at Seco….. Teaming PE and Exploratories Rotating Schedule Keys to Success The Fun Stuff
TEAMS Teams are heterogeneously grouped and randomly assigned 130 - 175 students who share the same English, Science, Math and History Teachers Teachers have a common conference period allowing them to meet and discuss students Teams sponsor special events such as Team Days and Field Trips Fusion Extreme Genesis Aloha
Physical Education Graded the same as every other class PE meets every day Change into PE uniform -- shorts / shirt PE locker has a combination lock Several components to PE Red Laps Weight Room Sports / Activities Health/Fitness Quarterly Project
Band Choir Drama Production ASB Video Production Yearbook Exploratories The Ten Week Wheel: Art Ceramics Adv. Art Music Chorus Drama Public Speaking Robotics Energy Design and Modeling Flight and Space Science Olympiad Coding Culinary JH Seminar Specialty Electives: Band Choir Drama Production ASB Video Production Yearbook
Year-Long Electives ASB Leadership Class: Beginning and Advanced Band Complete application on the Arroyo Seco website, under “Students”, due May 17th by 9 pm!! Ask 6th grade teacher to complete the teacher evaluation on Seco website. Beginning and Advanced Band E-mail Mr. Flores to schedule an audition. kflores@hartdistrict.org Advanced Chorus and Drama Production E-mail Mrs. West to schedule an audition. rwest@hartdistrict.org
A B C D E F Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Period 1 Period 2 Nutrition Period 3 Period 4 Lunch Period 5 Period 6
Keys to Success…... Write down all homework in your binder reminder. If there is no homework, write none. Find a consistent time and place to do your homework each day. Turn off all electronics including your phone. STAY ORGANIZED!!! Place completed assignments in the appropriate folder or notebook. No loose papers in your backpack! Make sure you have everything you need for school BEFORE you go to bed. We start early! Have that backpack ready to grab and go! Eat breakfast and eat something at nutrition and/or lunch. Your brain needs fuel!
Take control of your learning….. Communicate with your teachers! If you need extra help, find out when your teacher is available for extra help -- nutrition, lunch, before or after school. Follow up with your teachers after an absence -- you are responsible for the work you missed. Monitor your grades weekly through Infinite Campus. You will get your own log-in as will your parents. If you have questions, speak with your teacher. Take advantage of second opportunities. Some classes allow you to rewrite an essay, make test corrections, or re-do an assignment to demonstrate your understanding of the material. Balance your responsibilities with your social time. Remember the choices you make today will influence what is available to you tomorrow.
Supports in place…. Parent Nights: Team Orientation Night, Back To School Night, The Junior High Experience, Open House Team and department websites: Homework calendars, some assignments, more practice, announcements, links to individual teachers and websites Infinite Campus: live grade book, progress report grades and report card grades, attendance, transcripts Communication: Email to teachers or counselor with questions or concerns, request a phone call or schedule a parent conference Counseling website: links to free tutoring, helpful strategies, announcements Parent Advisory Council: meets every other month, facilitates communication between parents and Arroyo Seco Staff, coordinates parent volunteers
Let the Fun Begin…... Track Meet Birthday Bash Spirit Days Dances Field Trips Noon Times Soccer March Madness Turkey Bowl Assemblies Dodgeball Cross Country Meet
Conquistadors Give Back DFYIT Science Olympiad STEM Trading Cards Animation Roots Film Makers Bass Club Clubs Video Games Seco Tones Fandom DIY Authors Anime Strings Pokemon Harry Potter Chess Club Conquistadors Give Back
What happens next…... July Mailing -- Welcome letter, Immunization information, Registration information Registration Wednesday, August 7th, 2019 8 - 10 am Last Name A - F 10 - 12 pm Last Name G - O 12 - 2 pm Last Name P - Z First day of school is Tuesday, August 13th! First Bell rings at 7:40 and classes start at 7:45
Online Registration Before completing Online Registration, an Infinite Campus account must be created www.hartdistrict.org Click on Infinite Campus Complete the Infinite Campus Portal Account Support Form. Once processed, you will receive an email with instructions on how to sign in and change your password. The email may take up to two days to generate. The window for Online Registration opens May 17, 2019 Online Registration must be completed BEFORE SUMMER CHECK IN AUGUST 7, 2019
Showcase Portfolios -- Volunteers needed! Showcase is a culminating event for all 8th grade students Students present their achievements and growth at Arroyo Seco to community members in an interview setting Before/after presentations, students will attend a Career Speaker Panel learning more about a career field they are interested in Interview Panel Members and Career Speakers are still needed from 7:15 until 2:10 on Thursday, May 30th Great opportunity to see what your child will be experiencing at Seco! Sign ups are in the counseling office with Mrs. Williams Thanks for helping our students in this exciting event!