Data you can use: DTM and Partners working together How to get useful and usable data & analysis from DTM Site/Location Assessments Briefing for DTM, Clusters, authorities, WGs, Sectors, IOM Programmes and other partners
Objectives of this session At the end of this session you will be able to list: Reasons for cooperation between DTM and Partners Principles for cooperation between DTM and Partners 4 Skillsets necessary for evidence-based decision- making 5 key steps of Needs Assessment Process where cooperation is most needed
Acknowledgement and thank-you The approach and tools described here were not developed in isolation: they were developed based on best practices in the humanitarian sector and through consultations with DTM, Global Cluster /AoR/WGs and other partners. In addition, approach and tools are adapted from work done by the Working Group on Useful and Usable Data and Analysis (EDAUUR) under the Grand Bargain work stream on Needs Assessment. The EDAUUR working group is composed by: Global Clusters and AoRs (including Global CCCM Cluster, Global Child Protection AoR, Global Education Cluster, Global Food Security Cluster, Global GBV AoR, Global Health Cluster, Global Protection Cluster, Global Shelter Cluster, Global UNICEF Cluster Coordination Team, Global WASH Cluster UN Offices and Agencies (including UNHCR FICS, DTM-IOM, WFP VAM, OCHA FIS, OCHA NAAS) Donors (including DIFD, ECHO, OFDA) NGOs (including MapAction, REACH - Impact, DRC, Geneva Centre for Humanitarian Demining, Terre Des Hommes Lausanne) and Other organizations and initiatives (including ACAPS, JIPS, PIM, ICRC) This work is the result of years of combined experience and months of targeted effort: DTM team is grateful to all those who contributed.
Why work together? Only by working together (DTM and Partners) we can address the common reasons for partial use of DTM data DTM data are aimed at improving response DTM data from Location Assessments are shared with all humanitarian actors By working together you can make DTM data more useful for response
How do we work together? A predictable approach, shared by DTM and Clusters, AoRs, WGs and other Partners We use a predictable and consistent approach: DTM and Partners use and expect to use the same approach in all responses Approach is built on best practices and shared agreement Agreement on the approach was reached through Grand Bargain Needs Assessment Work stream and global level cooperation between DTM and most Global Clusters, WG, AoRs
DTM and Partners cooperation is a SHARED RESPONSIBILITY What are the principles of this approach? DTM and Partners cooperation is a SHARED RESPONSIBILITY The main steps of the Assessment Process are common to most humanitarian organizations and groups/clusters. Cooperation is especially needed at specific steps of the Assessment Process. Cooperation must value, respect and make use of different but complementary skillsets: Decision- Makers, Subject-Matter Experts, Cultural/Context Experts, IM/Data Experts.
When should we cooperate? Working together from the start helps you get useful data and minimize waste of time and resources Close cooperation is crucial at most steps of the Needs Assessment process. Cooperation at 5 key steps is particularly important: Define Specific Information Needs Identify Questions and design Data Analysis Plan Planning sharing of Data and Products Analyzing Providing Feedback and adjust Refer to Grand Bargain EDAUUR groups Toools: link to the GB outputs visuals and documents
Cooperation at Global level supports cooperation in the field DTM and Partners cooperation in the Field is supported by Global & Regional colleagues Cooperation at Global level supports cooperation in the field Dissemination of toolkit to the field should be done both DTM and Partners each to their colleagues.
Can you list: 1 Reason for cooperation between DTM and Partners 2 Principles for cooperation between DTM and Partners 4 Skillsets necessary for evidence-based decision- making 5 key steps of Needs Assessment Process where cooperation is most needed
The Approach Next segment will illustrate the Approach in details