Upper Clark Fork Watershed Restoration and TMDLs


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Presentation transcript:

Upper Clark Fork Watershed Restoration and TMDLs

Montana’s Watershed Restoration are based on TMDL Requirements Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) are science-based water quality restoration specifications to meet state water quality standards (prepared by Montana DEQ using 7 specific items required for EPA approval in accordance with the year 2001 Montana Court Settlement Agreement) Identify Water Quality Standards (including water quality targets) Water Quality Impairment Status (identification of impaired waters) Source Assessment (sources/amounts of non-point or point source pollutants) Allocations of Allowable Loads to Each Source (reductions using reasonable land, soil and water conservation practices, i.e. Best Management Practices (BMPs)) Includes Margin of Safety and Seasonality (times of the year) Monitoring Strategy (to measure progress toward water quality standards) Public Participation (Conservation Districts, Watershed Groups, and publics)

Under Montana Law, TMDLs…. Can not divest, diminish or imperil water rights The implementation of a non-point source TMDL restoration BMPs are normally voluntary The implementation of point source TMDL restoration BMPs are necessary (usually through permits or remediation activities).

Montana’s TMDL Activity Map

Upper Clark Fork TMDL Status TMDLs completed: Elk Creek –Sediment (June 1997) Clark Fork Voluntary Nutrient Reduction Program –mainstem VNRP (Aug. 1997) Upper Lolo Creek –Sediment (April 2003) Blackfoot Headwaters - Metals (June 2003) and Sediment (April 2004) Ninemile - Sediment and Metals (January 2005) Bitterroot Headwaters – Sediment (October 2005) Prospect Creek – Metals (October 2006) Sediment & Temperature (January 2009) Middle Blackfoot/Nevada Creek –Sediment and Metals (September 2008) St. Regis - Sediment and Temperature (September 2008) Lower Blackfoot – Sediment and Temperature (December 2009) Upper Clark Fork Tributaries – Metals, Sediment & Temperature (Dec. 2009) TMDLs nearing completion: Bitterroot Mainstem – Sediment and Temperature (2010) Little Blackfoot – Sediment and Metals (2010) Flint Creek – Sediment and Metals (2010?) TMDLs in planning: Lower Clark Fork Tributaries - Sediment Middle Clark Fork and Drummond Tributaries – Nutrients, Metals, Sediment and Temperature Rock Creek- Nutrients, Sediment and Metals Clark Fork River (mainstem) and Silver Bow Creek – Metals and Nutrients

TMDL Water Quality Targets (to meet Standards) typically include: Sediment Channel dimension, stream sediment size measures, stream side vegetation, BMPs for significant human sources Nutrients Summer total phosphorus, total nitrogen and benthic algal chlorophyll a targets, BMPs for significant human sources Temperature Daily water temperature, stream shade, channel width, discharge, BMPs for human sources Metals Metal concentrations, BMPs for human sources

TMDLs are followed up by a local Watershed Restoration Plan (WRP) WRP identifies the tools and priorities for achieving priority TMDL targets: For example: Agricultural BMPs and application areas Mine drainage BMPs and application areas Waste Water Treatment Plant efficiency study and subsequent engineering/building of facility Local conservation districts and watershed groups will implement WRP actions or coordinate/partner with other groups to implement their WRP.

Watershed Actions after a TMDL: Federal/state/local nonpoint source restoration coordination may occur voluntarily TMDL can be used to guide/leverage other state and federal grant funds Implement point source reductions via permits Upcoming TMDL implementation reviews (i.e. five year reviews)