Review for Final Neil Tang 05/01/2008 CS223 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms
CS223 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms Course Survey Please complete the course survey by May 3 (Sat) at: CS223 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms
Time Complexity Analysis Asymptotic notations (O, , ): definition, properties Important functions: polynomial, logN, 2N 4 Rules Recursion and the master method CS223 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms
CS223 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms Graphs Basic concepts Adjacency matrix and list Topological sort BFS, DFS and their applications (strong connected components) Shortest path: Dijkstra’s algorithm, the Bellman-Ford algorithm, implementation. CS223 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms
CS223 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms Graphs Minimum spanning tree: Prim’s algorithm, Kruskal’s algorithm, implementation. Maximum flow: The Ford-Furkerson algorithm, implementation. Time complexities CS223 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms
Algorithm Design Techniques Dynamic programming: Recursive equation evaluation, all-pairs shortest path, ordering matrix multiplications. Divide and conquer: Quick/merge sort, integer/matrix multiplication. Greedy algorithm: Examples, bin packing algorithms. Time complexity analysis CS223 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms