Chaos 1 5 3 4 2 6 x Purpose of drill This drill is supposed to increase endurance, foot speed to the ball, ball control, and communication. Keys to success Bounce to passer MUST be high Players must not only communicate who is going to pass the ball, but also to whom the pass is intended. Passes should be high to give the next player the best chance to make an accurate pass, and toward the net so the run to the end line is short. The run to the end line has to be very fast. The pass over the net should be high and deep into the court. Pass over the net should be done with shoulder to the net. Try not to giggle too much. Players 1, 2, and 3 lay face down with toes on end line. Player X bounces ball HIGH off the floor. Players 1, 2, and 3 get up and using one contact per player pass the ball over the net on the third contact. After passing the ball each player sprints to the far end line. After touching the end line each player passes up the ball with the third pass going over the net. Players repeat until the ball touches the floor. Players shag their ball and return to start OUTSIDE THE NET. Players 4, 5, and 6 assume the start position.