Let us look at the following example: Die seun het gister sy rugbybal hard oor die pale geskop om te oefen. And, what does parts of speech have to do with STOMPI? How many parts of speech can you identify? O gosh, what is parts of speech again?
EVERYTHING! STOMPI can help you to remember your Parts of speech better!!! Let us see how it is done:
When you divide a sentence into Sv1TOMPv2I, we look at groups of words that make up the SUBJECT, PLACE OR OBJECT. BUT Did you know that only certain Parts of speech can fit into the parts of Sv1TOMPv2I?
Which Parts of speech fits into the parts of Sv1TOMPv2I?? Create a table like slide 6 in your book and fill in which parts of speech fit in.
Sv1TOMPv2I Preposition Adverb of Time Adjective Infinitive Om te Noun Helping verb Pronoun Article Main Verb
S v1 T O M P v2 I Hede: hoofwerkwoord (Main verbs) Selfstandige naamwoord (noun), voornaamwoord (pronoun), lidwoord (articles) v1 Hede: hoofwerkwoord (Main verbs) Verlede/Toekoms: hulpwerkwoord (helping verbs) T Bywoord van tyd (Adverb of time) O Selfstandige naamwoord (noun), voornaamwoord (pronoun), lidwoord (articles) M Byvoeglike naamwoord (adjectives) P Voorsetsel (prepositions) + lidwoord (articles), voornaamwoord (pronoun), selfstandige naamwoord(noun) v2 Hede: GEEN/None Verlede/Toekoms: hoofwerkwoord (main verb) I Infinitief (om te), lidwoord, selfstandige naamwoord, voornaamwoord, byvoeglike naamwoord, werkwoord.
How do you analyse a sentence by using the Sv1TOMPv2I-method?
Die seun het gister sy rugbybal hard oor die pale geskop om te oefen. Step 1: Underline the verbs in the sentence. v1 Die seun het gister sy rugbybal hard oor die pale geskop om te oefen. v2
Stap 2: That which stands in front of the VERB 1 is the SUBJECT Stap 2: That which stands in front of the VERB 1 is the SUBJECT. That which stands after the second verb is the INFINITIVE. REMEMBER: the infinitive has to have OM and TE. S v1 Die seun het gister sy rugbybal hard oor die pale geskop om te oefen. v2 I REMEMBER: the Subject has an article, noun or pronoun.
Die seun het gister sy rugbybal hard oor die pale geskop om te oefen. v1 Die seun het gister sy rugbybal hard oor die pale geskop om te oefen. v2 Which questions do you ask yourself to identify the parts of STOMPI? Wanneer VERB die SUBJECT? TIME Wat VERB die SUBJECT VERB? OBJECT Hoe VERB die SUBJECT VERB? MANNER Waar VERB die SUBJECT VERB? PLACE Wanneer het die seun? Gister Wat het die seun geskop? Sy rugbybal Hoe het die seun geskop? Hard Waar het die seun geskop? Oor die pale
Die seun het gister sy rugbybal hard oor die pale geskop om te oefen. Step 3: Now begin at the beginning of the sentence, which part of STOMPI is present in the sentence. REMEMBER: A sentence does not have to have all the STOMPI parts. v1 T M S O Die seun het gister sy rugbybal hard oor die pale geskop om te oefen. v2 P I
Here is the three steps again: Step 1: Underline the verbs in the sentence. Stap 2: Stap 2: That which stands infront of the VERB 1 is the SUBJECT. That which stands after the second verb is the INFINITIVE. Step 3: Now begin at the beginning of the sentence, which part of STOMPI is present in the sentence. REMEMBER: A sentence does not have to have all the STOMPI parts.
Now it is your turn to divide and conquer!!
Remember and use the three steps Remember and use the three steps! Do these in your book and follow the steps, use colour Die leerders het die werk vinnig vir die eksamen geleer om goed te presteer. Die meisie sal later haar gesig mooi in die badkamer grimeer om pragtig te lyk. Ons drink saans koffie in die kombuis. Eugene het sy werk goed gedoen om betaal te word. Die vis sal vinnig in die vuil dam swem. Die leerders oefen vanoggend atletiek baie hard op die veld vir die sportsdag.
With the next lesson we will look at a way to use STOMPI to start with different parts of a sentence. *** Write slide 16 in your books as a note.
Woordorde You can start any sentence with most parts of STOMPI Woordorde You can start any sentence with most parts of STOMPI. Just remember WHATEVER YOU START WITH THE VERB ONE FOLLOWS!!!! If the sentence start with: Subject = S v1TOMPv2I Verb 1 = v1 STOMPv2I? Time = T v1 SOMPv2I Object = O v1 (T+M) deur SPv2I (active and passive) Manner = M v1 STOPv2I Place = P v1 STOMv2I Verb 2=YOU CAN NEVER START A SENTENCE WITH V2. Infinitive = I v1 STOMPv2