Mutations 1) Gene Mutations = change in pattern of DNA bases 2) Chromosome Mutations = a) change in # of chromosomes b) pieces of chromosomes missing e) extra pieces of chromosome
Mutations Can be fatal…. Can be harmful = protein does not work or works poorly Can be neutral = protein works or is not essential Can be beneficial
Gene Mutation Types I. Point Mutations = 1 base changed a) Substitutions = trading bases (may not change amino acid) b) Frameshift mutations = change all codons that follow the mutation 1) insertions = add 1 base 2) deletions = remove 1 base
Substitution – UUU UUC
Gene Mutation Animation 5
Frameshifts ∆ all following codons: ruin protein THE FAT CAT ATE THE RAT THF ATC ATA TET HER AT THH EFA TCA TAT ETH ERA
Tandem repeats Entire sequence of DNA is repeated over and over THE FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT
Faulty proteins End too soon Do not fold properly Do not function
Causes of Mutation 1) Spontaneous = error in replication 2) Mutagens = chemicals, radiation a) Carcinogens b) U-V radiation