Main Office: 952-496-5952 Absence Line: 952-496-5953 Mrs. Erickson’s 2nd Grade Memos SOAR to New Heights January 22 – February 2 Main Office: 952-496-5952 Absence Line: 952-496-5953 Upcoming Events Jan. 29 – Report cards sent home Jan. 30 – 2nd grade music program at 7PM in the gym Feb. 5/7/8 – Conference nights and book fair Feb. 9 – PTO Family Dance/Silent Auction Feb. 19 – No school for students/teacher in-service day Feb. 22 – A special author visits our school Feb. 23 – Stuffed animal and slipper day Feb. 28 – Earth balloon at school – PTO family Earth balloon on Mar 1. Sneak Peek Word Work: This week’s spelling words: (List #14 on ) brew, blew, soup, group, blue, clue, cashew, cartoon, pursue Next Week: List #15 on brook, look, push, bush, pull, full, bully, bookshop, seagull **SPELLING TESTS ON FRIDAYS! Reading: We will be working on comparing and contrasting information in various stories. Writing: We are learning how to write comparing and contrasting paragraphs including a topic sentence, 3 details, and a concluding sentence. . Math: We are learning how to read, create, and solve problems using tables and graphs. Social Studies: We will be focusing on mapping skills and the 7 continents. We will also make dioramas of the 7 continents. **Special Note: Unfortunately, I won’t be able to be at conferences the night of Monday, February 5th. I will hold my conferences on Feb 7 and Feb 8. Once you get your conference confirmation time in the Feb 29th Red Folders, please let me know if there is a conflict and we can reschedule. Thank you in advance for understanding. **Because it is such a short week, there will not be a FORMAL spelling test this week. Instead, we will be exposing kids to these words and doing the test together. **Summer School dates this year will be: June 11-28 and July 9-19 *Help your child log onto: to practice Math and Reading. Your child’s log in information is taped to the front of his/her planner. If they practice Reading, they can mark their Reading Sheet! *Help your child log onto: to study spelling words. My Email: Special Notes SPECIALS This Week: Mon: no school Tues: no school Wed: gym Thurs: art Fri: gym Next Week: Mon: music Tues: gym Wed: media Thurs: music Fri: gym