Five Themes Foldable Instructions
Final Product Example
Final Product Example
Step One Take a piece of blank, white copy paper and fold it in half “Hot Dog” style (long ways).
Step Two After making a fold, open the paper up. Make a line down the center of the paper along the fold.
Step Three Make four lines across the paper. These lines should be as evenly spaced out as possible.
Checkpoint Your paper should look like this →
Step Four Make four cuts along the lines on the left side of the fold. Stop the cut at the middle line.
Checkpoint Your paper should look like this →
Step Five Fold the paper in half along the fold. You will write one of the Five Themes of Geography on each flap. Write them in this order: Movement. Region. H/E Int. Location. Place.
Step Six On the back of each flap you will write a definition of the Theme of Geography on the front of the flap. Example: “Movement” is written on the front of the flap, so on the back of the flap you will write the definition of Movement.
Step Seven On the inside fold (across from the back of the flap) you will write and draw an example of that Theme of Geography. Example: “Movement” is on the front. Definition of Movement is on the back. Example is next to definition.
Step Eight After you have done this for each Theme, glue the Foldable on page 7 of your Interactive Notebook.