Living the love of Christ among people of other faiths – Implications for the Salvation Army in the Future
SA Equality and Diversity Positional Statement The Salvation Army affirms Christian belief and teaching in upholding the Biblical view that human beings are created by God in his own image, related to him and to each other. It is part of God’s creative purpose that we are fulfilled in community, that we value and respect each other.
SA Equality and Diversity Positional Statement The diversity of the human race is one of God’s special gifts to humanity given for our enjoyment and enrichment. God loves and values us, investing each person equally with dignity and worth.
Global implications Pray, Equip, Resource, Advocate for, Stand with and share the stories of our global family
Global implications Pattern Participation Presence Precinct Place for coffee Place I live Protection
Port (Public transport) Prison Papers Post Positive pointing Global implications Park Port (Public transport) Prison Papers Post Positive pointing Mj Stewart Grinsted – The Officer Jan/Feb 2013
Territorial implications Continued representation on Multi-faith councils Shared statements and responses Lifehouses and community food programmes
Local implications ENJOY your neighbourhood Know your neighbours Give-receive-eat together Listen and learn about others’ beliefs and practices – don’t make assumptions
Local implications EQUIP people in your Corps Discipleship– are we equipping ourselves to negotiate a Christian way of life in a complex world (especially our children)? Are we encouraging confidence in our own faith and connection with other faiths? Are we aware of fears of people who are considering conversion?
Local implications EQUALITY AND INTEGRITY in our programmes Open and respectful. Clear about who we are and what we hope for. No hidden agendas. Language – check understanding and inclusivity (signage) Where racism exists challenge it Make opportunities for cohesion
Local implications ENGAGEMENT with local stakeholders Engage in local council meetings as people of peace and workers of justice Participate in local celebrations and life events Be a part of a local multi-faith forum
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