Welcome Third Grade Families
Third Grade Curriculum It is our objective to ensure all Seth Paine students will: 1. Be confident in themselves as individuals and as learners 2. Be responsible for their own actions 3. Be respectful of themselves, others and their community 4. Be active participants in the learning process while being challenged academically at their individual levels 5. Enjoy their school experiences and connect what is learned to the real world
Daily Schedule 8:45 – 9:45 Reading 9:45 – 10:45 Math 10:55 – 11:40 Recess & Lunch 11:45 – 12:45 Specials 12:45 – 1:45 Intervention Science and Social Studies will be in the afternoon.
Reading Program Schoolwide Shared Text Read Aloud Whole Class Mini-Lessons Small Groups - based on need or interest Independent Reading - Fountas and Pinnell Log Reading at Home Trade Book or Text Book such as Science RazKids.com Mobymax.com
Personalized Word Study Words Their Way Personalized Word Study Phonetic Rules Affixes Deviations
Write Source Writing and Grammar Program Expository/ Narrative/ Persuasive Respond to reading by supporting opinions with facts Develop their writing process of planning, revising and editing
Listening and Speaking Learn to ask clarifying questions related to the topic Speak in complete sentences providing detail and clarification Report on a topic, creating an engaging presentation to demonstrate their ideas and knowledge
Social Studies Map and Globe Skills Illinois Federal Government
Science National Geographic Text Hands-On Experimentation Scientific Method Units of Study: Life Science Physical Sciences Earth Science
Common Core Shifts in Math Focus Fewer Topics: Concepts, skills, and problem solving related to multiplication and division of whole numbers and fractions Coherence: Linking topics and thinking across grades Rigor: Pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skills and fluency, and application with equal intensity For more information about the shifts to the Common Core: http://www.corestandards.org/other-resources/key-shifts-in-mathematics/
New Math Series Stepping Stones Math Series by Origo Online resource; consumable journal Focus on conceptual development - Number sense and fact fluency Many hands-on experiences Children’s Literature Games and Manipulatives For more information visit www.origoeducation.com/steppingstones
Homework Expectations Check Homework Folder Nightly Every Night WTW Word Sorts Reading Logs Raz-Kids.com Mobymax.com Book Reports – One Per Trimester Periodic Homework as Needed Absent / Missed Assignments / Unfinished Work
Communication We are a TEAM (Student, Parents & Teachers) Phone calls and emails for any questions or concerns Website Blogs or Friday Notes Report Cards
PLEASE Don’t Forget To: Take a look around the room Write a note to your child Sign up for Parent/Teacher Conferences Thank you for partnering with us!