Disappearing Pinwheel Quilt Block Presented by Pat Taylor and Martha Taylor OHCE Members Quilting Friends
Block 1, Step 1 From contracting colors, cut two 9 ½ inch squares. Actually these squares can be cut any size you choose. These fabrics can be solid and print, dark print and light print or whatever you chose. You will see in one photo there are three colors used. Throughout this Power Point you will see blocks made from an assortment of colors.
Block 1, Step 2 Place right sides of the squares together and sew a ¼ inch seam on all four sides. Mark lines from diagonal corners, both ways.
Block 1, Step 3 Cut along diagonal lines. This will give you 4 triangle squares approximately 6 ¼ inches square. Press squares. This is the time to square up the triangle squares.
Block 1, Step 4 Turn triangle squares and sew together to form a pinwheel block. Press.
Block 1, Step 5 Measure the width of the block and divide by 3. The measurement will be approximately 4 inches. Divide that number by 2. This will be approximately 2 inches. Using this last figure, measure out from the center seam and mark a line from top to bottom. Repeat on the other side of the center seam. Cut along lines.
Block 1, Step 6 Turn strips until you have the block design you want. Sew strips together. Press. This completes the first version of the Disappearing Pinwheel.
Block 2, Step 1 This Version of the block differs from Block 1. This block has a solid color and two contrasting prints. There are four 9 ½ inch squares cut. This will result in 2 finished blocks. When sewn to the stage shown in photo, you will have two blocks. Set one aside and complete the other.
Block 2, Step 2 Follow instructions as in Block 1, Steps 1-5. After measuring from the center line out as in Block 1, Step 5 to make three strips, turn block and measure the same way in the other direction. Cut along lines. This will result in nine pieces.
Block 2, Step 3 As in instructions for Block 1, Step 6, turn pieces until you have the block design you want. Sew pieces together to make the final block. Now is the time to go back and complete the second block.
Block 2 Other Possible Designs Depending on the number of colors used, the way the pieces are turned, the design possibilities are almost endless.
Block 2 Other Possible Designs Another design.
Block 2 Other Possible Designs Another design.
Block 2 Other Possible Designs Another design.
Block 2 Other Possible Designs Another design.
Block 2 Other Possible Designs Another design.
Set Blocks Together