Managing Trail Users in the Toronto Region Trailhead Canada November 22, 2017
The Living City Vision The quality of life on Earth is being determined in the rapidly expanding city regions. Our vision is for a new kind of community, The Living City, where human settlement can flourish forever as part of nature's beauty and diversity.
Introduction TRCA lands allow us to provide nature in a city region
Challenges & Opportunities We must balance public enjoyment with protection of our natural and cultural heritage
Monitoring our Visitors
Collecting Trail User Data Trail Counters
Collecting Trail User Data Surveys
Survey Design & Rationale Question Rationale What TRCA Property did you visit? Allows for the development of a site-specific profile. How did you get to the property? This line of questioning may be particularly relevant if you are dealing with some pricing issues. This question is also relevant in terms of determining where public transportation is needed or is currently available What activities will you undertake during your visit? Trying to understand the primary reasons for the visit. Please indicate your gender (option for Prefer Not to Say) Demographic information is important for a number of reasons – first to ensure that your survey sample is representative of your user base or citizens; secondly to enable you to explore correlations between various groups and their response. Do you have a disability? Location, parking, accessibility, signage, cleanliness, equipment quality, and access to facility/on-site staff are often important dimensions influencing citizen views on their facility experience. Additional Comments: Customers can be a great source of insights on future directions – what new programs should be offered, and what improvements should be made to enhance existing programs and services.
2015 Regional User Survey Comparison
So What? Allows us to adaptively manage our trails and greenspaces Meet the needs of our visitors Discover inefficiencies
Working with Others
Engaging the Community
So What? Allows us to adaptively manage our trails and greenspaces Better integration with other trail systems Builds goodwill in the communities we serve Creates additional advocates for our trails and greenspaces
Managing Expectations
Nature in your backyard Escape to adventure Nature in your backyard Albion Hills Conservation Area Oak Ridges Corridor Conservation Reserve Go far Get away from it all East Duffins Headwaters Don Valley Brickworks
Providing Information
So What? People know what to expect when they visit TRCA trails
Tips for Managing User Conflict Knowledge is power Work together Set and manage expectations
Stay in Touch Deanna Cheriton Supervisor, Greenspace Conservation @TRCA_Trails